13. Firsts and Lasts

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It's been two weeks since we came back from that trip to LA. I hoped that maybe, just maybe, me and Harry would have been closer and the naive girl I am thought we would have came back hand in hand as a couple but no... Instead I've passed my whole trip with Zayn. I'm not complaining, I really enjoyed my time with him and I discovered another part of him. When we came back we still saw each other, every freaking day. Nothing official but I feel like it's gonna change. I don't know what to think about that. I like Zayn but... my heart is crazy about someone else who doesn't seem to want me more than a sexfriend. Thinking about it, I had the time of my life with Zayn these past few days, we even went skydiving. Sky-di-ving. Me and my fear of height. How can he makes me forget about everything except of Harry...?

"What are you thinking about?" Harry, lying down next to me, murmurs in my ear, his breath tickling me.

"Nothing." I say my voice barely audible.

He softly strokes my cheeks before going lower on my bare skin.

"Let me give you something to think about then..."


Today is my first day as an Angel. All of us are doing a photoshoot for the upcoming season. Lisa briefed me yesterday and to be honest I'm not really ready. The only thing I want to do is go back to sleep... Oh my dear bed, why is it so hard to leave you?

When I arrive, Lisa is already here to welcome me with her usual smile. I wonder how she manages to take care of all her recruits and still look flawless.

"Hey darling." She hugs me "Big day. I can't stay a lot with you, I have other girls to take care of but I'm sure you'll do just right."

"Yeah I hope so." I follow her to what looks like a gymnasium. There are hundreds of table for the make up and the hairstyling with mirrors, tons of white backgrounds, many tripods and a lot of clothes hanging. There's already a lot of people, photographers, stylists, models... I never saw this many people during a photoshoot.

"Let's go see Emily." Lisa takes my hand and leads me to a table.

"Hey girls !" Emily says waving at us.

"I leave you in good hands Emma. She'll tell you what you have to do. Have fun darling." With that she turns around and disappears in the crowd.

"I'm glad to see you here Emma. I knew we'll meet again."

"I'm glad to see you too Emily. Do you work with the Angels?"

"Yes. It's my first year actually. I'm so excited about this."

"I can understand that." I smile not hiding my own excitement.

"So let me explain you how it's going on here. First the make up and the hair, it's all in this area, you just go to a seat, say your name and the number of your shoot. Then you'll go see the stylist, same thing, just say your name, the number and change. After that you'll go to the casting director, Sam, to know where your photoshoot is, she'll give you your schedule for the day with the shoot's numbers, the time and all. After that, rewind. Make up, hair, change, etc. As for right now all the angels have the same shoot so no need to say your shoot's number. Alright?"

"Alright alright. You'll show me where's the coffee machine after you're done."

Emily laughs and starts on my make up. After a good talk with her and a new volume for my hair, I head to the clothes part. The stylist for VS Angels is still the same one as the first time I went for a VS cast. It's Lou Teal. I salute her and present myself with my name. She gives me a set of white underwear with a lot of lace and strass and a pair of high heels matching them.

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