First day of school.

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Today was the first day of grade 7, it was a new school so I was hoping maybe I could make new friends, start having fun again and maybe learn something interesting. That's not quite how it turned out.
I got in the class and took a seat, I could tell the other kids were already talking about me. One came over and said
"Haha nice outfit loser, does your mama still pick out your clothes!"
Its not like they knew my mom died, but it still hurt. I ran out crying and hide in the bathroom, I heard the bell ring to start class but I couldn't go in looking like a mess. I stayed in for a bit longer.
I finally got the strength to go back in, but of course because I was late I was in trouble. I got sent to the office the first day of school because the teacher didn't believe what happened. I wouldn't go to the office because I didn't do anything, they school called my grandma to pick me up and told her when I learn to listen I can come back.
I don't understand, how do I mess everything up without even doing anything? I didn't sleep again that night. My thoughts were starting to get to me, the fact she made fun of my outfit made me feel ugly. I looked in the mirror and started to cry, I couldn't even look at myself. I thought I was hideous, how did this happen so fast

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