Start of a new life.

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In the hospital Dakota asked me to go out with him, he's the first person to show he cared since my mother died. I said yes.
When I got out of the hospital I was with Dakota almost everyday, he knew everything about me and promised he would never leave me, as crazy as it sounded I believed him.
Years passed and me and Dakota were still together, I was old enough to finally move out, I don't know how I surivived school, and my grandmothers house, but I did and know I'm proud I did. Yes there are still hard times but things are slowly getting better.
Me and Dakota moved in together, we eventually got married and had a family. We weren't perfect but we were happy. And that was the most important thing.

I thought things would never get better, but they did. Everything gets better eventually. You just have to wait. And everyone has someone that cares, you may not know it but there is someone. Stay strong xx I love you

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