What the f...?!

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I walk to the stop sign wiping away the tears that did fall. I pulled out my white beats and plugged them in my iPhone 6 I played my favorite song trap queen. I got on the bus as usual and sat in the back. I closed my eyes and let my self get lot in my music. I felt myself drifting asleep until I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked up to see a boy younger than me staring at me.

"Hey kid trying to sleep here..." I said half annoyed.
"You gonna say something or what?" I asked now fully annoyed
"Me estaba preguntando ¿Eres una lesbiana?(I was just wondering are you a lesbian?)" the boy asked in Spanish. Since I was mixed with Puerto Rican and Asian I knew a lot of Spanish.
"No soy bisexual, pero ¿Hablas cualquier inglés?( no I'm bisexual but do you speak any English?)" I responded in Spanish.
"Mi hermana es gay podría ser su tipo hablo inglés pero me gusta hablar español más.(my sister is gay you might be her type I speak English but I like speaking Spanish more.) the boy answered. I nodded and turned my attention to the phone in my hand. The boy was still staring at me after our conversation. I don't know his sister or him, I never seen them before in my life. The boy looked around 15 so he was old enough to take a hint that I was don't talking but he don't get this hint. The bus pulled up to the school and as I normally so I got up but the boy stepped in front of me and looked me. His eyes began to glow a golden brownish color that scared the hell out of me.
"¿ Qué coño está pasando?! ( what the fuck is going on?!)" i asked very frightened. He just looked at me and smiled then turned and walked away. I was frozen there, I couldn't move at all but I knew I had too. I walked of the bus only to find the boy waiting on me but he wasn't like he was before. Instead he was a giant wolf. I knew it was him from the color of it's eyes. He walked up to me on all fours sniffing me like I was his pray...maybe I was. I was in complete shock I didn't know how to react but something told me to run. I ran as fast as I can which wasn't very fast, yeah terrible runner here! I continued to run now know if it was chasing me until I looked forward and bang hit a tree. I went out I know that for sure but I did know how long.

Stop!! Please stop!! Ahhh stop!! Help some one please help!! Rape someone help me!! The screams grew louder as I walked down the dark hallway. I was in school but why is it so dark shouldn't it be around 1:30? You know lighter than this? I made my way till the end of the hall way and there she was.
"Please help me." She cried. But I only stood there looking at her now bleeding body. I can tell where the source of all the blood is but I don't dare to help.
"You bitch! Please don't just stand there help me!!". She yelled and this time I walked up to her. I put my hand on the source of the bleeding when I hear a low deep growl. She was one of them.......

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