My car

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My father is dead. He is dead. No life in him. On my bedroom floor dead. I decided to walk down stairs to see if my step mother is here and I found her dead also. What the hell happened here. One minute i'm being raped by my father the next minute I find my father and my stepmother dead. Why is this happening to me??
~10 minutes later~
I get out of the shower and blow dry my hair i open my bath room door and walk in my bedroom to still see my fathers dead body laying on the floor in a pool of blood. I went through my drawers pack all my clothes and personal items. I some how felt like this was my fault even though I had nothing to do with any of this. My parents are dead and I didn't call the cops instead I pack my bags and leave...ugh yeah I'm going to jail the police are coming after me first I mean I had every reason to kill them. The thing is I didn't I didn't do this someone else did. That means I'm in danger but I was laying in my bed almost dead. I was still breathing and it was noticeable so why am I not dead? I walk out the door with my keys in my hand to my hot pink 2013 Camaro with black strips. I start my car and drive to lord knows where. Hell I don't know where I'm going or who to run too I just need to leave. I turn on my radio to hear The Monster by Eminem and Rihanna. I sing along because I know how it feels to feel insane and to have people call you insane. But I look at monsters as misunderstood, that's how I look at a lot if things. In my eyes nothing is evil perhaps misunderstood we can't all think the same. The ones that do are in a box that one day they need to break out of. Others like me well we broke our box at a young age and are loving the new life we have for ourselves.

I pull up to a gas station to get some gas when I notice I'm near the woods. I hear an owl and I smile at the sound of nature. I hear twigs cracking and the sound gets closer and closer. I began to panic because I have bother to fight with. Just then something jumps out and lands on me growling...

Hey guys 👋 how everything going ok well this is my first book so ugh I'm nervous but excited. 😁 I will try and update as often as I can but I need ideas ya know I get stuck sometimes but I try not too. So comment vote do it all and stay tuned for more
Ps the cliff hanger yeah that I lovvvvve it 😈😊

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