Wrath of Jess

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(in the picture, Hansol is the one in the white)

I arrived at school and walked into class. Hansol was already there, in his same dark hoodie. As I walked to the back of the classroom, I heard snippets of whispers.

"Yeah did you hear-"


"They broke up-"

"Poor Jess-"


I reached my seat and sat down. Did Johnny break up with Jess? "Hansol," I asked. "Did Johnny-"

He nodded before I even finished my sentence.

The school day was relatively quiet until the lunch bell rang. I sat down in the seat that I had sat in since the first day and was quietly eating lunch, when Johnny and his crew sat in front of me again, holding trays of food.

"Hey newbie, how are you?"

I glanced at Hansol before I responded; he was busy eating his lunch. "I'm fine. What about you?"

"I feel great, thanks for asking." Johnny smiled happily. He was very attractive and handsome. Wow. "Newbie, what is your actual name?"

"It's Mari Su."

"Well Mari, I'm going to introduce you to the boys. This is Taeyong."

Taeyong had dark hair parted in the middle and was also very handsome. He had sharp wide eyes with slanted eyebrows and a thin face.

"And this is Ten."

Ten smiled at me, and I blushed. Why were they all so handsome? Ten had bright eyes like Taeyong and his smile was so gorgeous.

"Then Yuta."

Yuta had great charismatic eyes, and his cheekbones were beautiful. His dark hair came up to his eyebrows and to the nape of his neck.


Doyoung's face was more slender than Taeyong's and his bright eyes smiled at me.

"Then lastly, Jaehyun."

Jaehyun's lips were really red and pretty. I bit my lip, self conscious of myself in front of all these handsome boys.

"Hey you forgot Hansol." Yuta spoke up.

"They already know each other. They're in the same class." Johnny started eating his food, when I suddenly made eye contact with Jess.

She was glaring at me from the opposite end of the cafeteria, her black eyeliner and mascara dribbling down her cheeks. I was so screwed.

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