Andrew Su

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"Oh." I blushed. I had forgotten that there was a section about a women's menstrual cycle. "May 12th, 2009," I told him. He obediently filled out the form and innocently handed me his completed paper.

I read through his paper and handed it back to him, amazed. He had gotten everything right, even my allergies and medications. "You know," I paused. "I wouldn't even be surprised if you knew my social security number."

"Let me see your paper," he said, grabbing it from my hands. "Wow, you already got one wrong."


"I'm just kidding."

I pursed my lips and tried to hide my smile.

"Looks very very very very good." He handed it back, smiling. "I wouldn't be surprised if you knew my social security number as well."

We smiled at each other for a while and had a loving couple moment when my dad ran out yelling for us.

"Mari! Come! Hansol, you can come too!" We ran back into the room and there was a BABY. I backed away, I wasn't very good with babies; they always seemed to cry whenever they saw me.

"Look, his name is Andrew Su!" My mother beamed, sweaty and overjoyed with inexplicable happiness.

"Mari, c'mon, go see your little brother." Hansol pushed me near the squirming tiny human.

He was pink and very small. His lips were cherry red and his eyes were closed. His tiny nose wrinkled as he was about to CRY! I backed away again as Andrew started to scream. My mother soothed him and he quieted down. I felt so loved.

"Hansol, you try touching him." I pushed him forward.

"Me? Why?"

"Just do it. You're practically part of the family now."

I watched him as he walked towards little Andrew and the baby didn't cry! What?! Wow. Much love for my little brother. Much love. He didn't even cry when Hansol picked him up and carried him towards me!

"Hansol, I don't think that's a good idea." I started to back away until I hit a corner.

"What are you talking about Mari? He's your brother."


"I didn't know you were good with babies."

"Neither did I. They're really cute." He stared at Andrew with such affection that I almost thought he was the father. He returned Andrew to my parents and walked back towards me, a broad smile on his face. "I wonder what it would feel like to have kids of my own."

"I've always thought it really unfair that women have to go through the pain of birthing and carrying a child for 9 months while men are...are..." I trailed off, unable to think of what to say.

"Mari, that's why kids are normally more attached to their mothers. And men don't do nothing. Look at your dad. He was there supporting your mom the whole time."

"Yeah, but I don't want kids."

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