Incorrect Assumptions

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I found myself kissing him back and wrapping my arms around his sweaty body. I could feel the happiness and relief from his kiss. The pressure loosened and breathing heavily, we extracted ourselves from our embrace.

"Hey," I said. "You did amazing today."

He smiled happily. "It's a great day!" Yuta, Ten, and Taeyong came over and clapped Hansol on the back.

"Nice job captain. That last foul was great."

"Thanks guys. Great game, great game. I'm really proud of you all. We did our best and it paid off."

I was suddenly reminded of the foul that Hansol had done to Mark. "Why'd you foul?" I asked.

"Because if I did then the score wouldn't count. He was going to make the basket but if I fouled him before the ball went through the net then the points don't count."

"Ah..." So that was why. Thinking about Mark, I was reminded that he had my phone. "Wait, I'll be right back." I turned and ran over to the Darmount team, spotting Mark. He was packing his gym bag and I noticed Susana consoling him. "Mark," I said, coming over. "My phone please."

He glanced over at me, alarmed. "Oh, I forgot about that Mari. Sorry." He reached into his bag and took out my phone, handing it over.

"Why do you have Mari's phone?" Susana asked.

"She forgot it and I wanted to make sure it wouldn't be stolen." He smirked at me when Susana couldn't see. I clenched my phone, my knuckles turning white.

"Oh Mark, you're such a good person." Susana hugged him and I turned away, walking back to Hansol.

"What was that?" he asked.

"I needed to get my phone from him." I showed Hansol my phone.

"Why did he have it?" He frowned.

"I don't know. Apparently he took it because I left it on my seat and he didn't want anyone to steal it."

His frown deepened. "I hope we never have to see him again."

I agreed.

"I'm giving you a ride home, right?" He changed the topic, smiling brightly. We walked to his car and got in. "Did you like the game?" he asked, turning on the air conditioner.

"I loved it. I was so anxious the whole time because I thought that we might lose."

"I think everyone was." He laughed and pulled out of the parking lot. "Now OM is the only undefeated team."

With the basketball game and such, I had completely forgotten about Johnny. I thought about the differences between Johnny and Hansol to ease my mind from guilt.

I felt much more comfortable with Hansol because I didn't have to act out affection. Also, hanging out with Hansol felt more of a sibling relationship than the boy-girl partnership with Johnny. Although Johnny was definitely more handsome and charismatic, Hansol had his own charms of kindness and honesty. Not that Johnny wasn't kind or honest, but with Hansol, it was prominent with everyone. Hansol treated everyone equally with kindness and honesty. Johnny's strength had always frightened me. Whenever he got mad I was frightened that I would get hurt sometimes, but then he could always make me laugh...Ugh, so frustrating! I shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts out of my mind.

"What's wrong?" Hansol asked.

"I don't know," I admitted bitterly. "I'm so conflicted."

"Can you tell me about your conflict?"

"I don't know, it's girl stuff."

He was quiet, and I realized in horror what I said. He thought that I was on my period?

"No no no, not like that girl stuff." I tried to cover my mistake. "I meant like feelings and boys and that type of stuff."

"Boys? What do you mean? Elaborate please."

" what if there are two guys and so far they seem pretty equal and you don't know how to choose between them? Like, what if you are inclined to choose one guy but then the other one would be really sad and seems to love you more genuinely? Who would you chose? The person you love or the person who loves you?"

"What makes you think," he paused. "That the person you love doesn't love you back?"

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