Taken (NaLu)

978 40 11


Natsu Dragneel was running.
He was running blindly, only having his nose as a guide. He didn't know where his nose was leading him. Only that he had to follow the sweet scent of ink and vanilla. His legs were aching. His lungs gasping for air. His heart racing almost as fast as his feet were. He was losing his mind with worry. Insanity was trying to enter.
Natsu wouldn't let it.
His tired body was howling at him to stop. To take a break. But, he wouldn't, couldn't stop. No matter how much he was pushing himself to exhaustion.
Natsu would never stop running.

Because it was all his fault.


"That was so boring!"
"Natsu, you set fire to four buildings! Not to mention the forest nearby." His partner deadpanned, a tick mark appearing on her forehead, a sign of her growing irritation. The Dragon Slayer beside her sighed loudly. "I didn't mean too!" He defended himself for what felt like the hundredth time. It wasn't his fault that the dumbass Dark Wizard kept moving around, making Natsu's fire Magic shoot off course, and hit things that were definitely not his target.

A frown pulled down his lips, leaving him pouting, as he crossed his arms over his chest. "It's all that bastards fault anyways!"
The blond girl couldn't help but let out an amused huff as she rolled her chocolate eyes skyward. "Try telling that to, Master, when we get home."

Natsu's face paled as he sweatdropped. He was so not looking forward to that confrontation. What would Erza do to him when she found out?! "Great..." The Dragon Slayer moaned, hanging his head as he trudged on. The blond Mage chuckled at him as the aura around him darkened considerately. Taking pity on him, his partner, leaned over and patted his shoulder. "You'll be-" The Stellar Mage never got to finish her sentence.

Magic, that burned, flew past her face, leaving a thin scratched that sizzled her skin like the sun. Her hand flew toward her pale cheek, a gasp of pain leaving her. The Magic was eating away at her skin.
It was Acid Magic.

"Lucy!" Her best friend yelled to her as he reached out his own hand to help her. "No!" Lucy Heartfilia snapped at him, slashing her free hand in the air to ward him off. "Don't touch the Magic!" She warned him, wincing as the Acid that had made contact with her fingers also began to eat away at the skin on her digits as well. While Lucy tried to stop the Acid induced Magic from causing more damage, Natsu searched for the person who was responsible for hurting his partner.

The bushes to his left shook slightly, causes a small ripple to come from it, and dislodge a few leaves. His sharp eyes zeroed in on it.
Natsu took in a large amount of air, feeling his lungs, and fire with it. He braced himself, tilted back his head, and released a roar of white hot flames. Shouting, "Roar of the Fire Dragon!," as he did so. There was a scream of agony before a man that was doused in Natsu's flames came running out of his lame hideout.

The Fire Mage was on him in a second. Fists that were inflamed wailed on the man without mercy. Burning and reducing skin to blackened bits. With a growl filled with anger, Natsu cocked back his arm, ignited his elbow, and drove it into the man's throat. In seconds the fight was finished.
It barely made him fired up.

However, when he turned around to check on Lucy, his body nearly burst into flames. Men that had melted into the clearing like shadows with no scents were surrounding the Celestial Spirt Mage. Trapping her in. Keeping her away from him.
Natsu didn't like that now.

With a huff he sprinted toward them, his arms, legs, and fists already set aflame. He opened his mouth, steam was already pouring out, as he got ready to roast them with a Dragon's Roar.
Only he never got the chance to.
The cloaked men were standing in a circle, with Lucy in the middle, and they all had their hands locked around one another's. Their heads were bent forward, their eyes closed, as they chanted something that Natsu's keen hearing was deaf to.

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