Somethings Wrong With The Fire Dragon Slayer (NaLu)

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Somethings Wrong With the Fire Dragon Slayer

Somethings definitely wrong with him.

Was the blonds first thought as she watched her silent partner walk at her side. That was her first clue of many.
Her partner, known for his loud, destructive behavior, was absolutely, 100% silent. Not a word nor a peep could be heard from him.
Hell, he wasn't even humming some ridiculous tune as he ambled along.

To say that Lucy Heartfilia was worried was an understatement.

She was practically having a break down. Although, granted, nobody would know just by looking at her. She was very good at hiding her worries. But, underneath her cool demeanor, a tidal wave of worry was slowly drowning her. Happy, his closer then life Exceed, didn't even know what was wrong.

Yet, another red flag.

The Holder Mage could recall the exact moment and day in which her best friend's behavior had started to change drastically. Her eyes glazed over as she watched the Fire Mage. Lucy's mind started to wander to that day when Natsu Dragneel, became a complete and total, stranger to her...

~2 Weeks Earlier~

"Luuuucccceeee~" Natsu Dragneel whined as he followed his partner out of the Guild. "Why can't you goooo~?"
A bright red tick mark appeared on Lucy Heartfilia's forehead, giving her quickly growing irritation away. "Because, Natsu," The blond bit out, trying to be calm with the persistent boy, (and failing at it).
"I have a date." And, boy was Lucy excited for it!

She hadn't been on a date...since...
It was sad in itself that she couldn't even remember when her last date with a person of the opposite sex (that wasn't a friend) even was. She was just going to have to fix that.
With the tall, charming, funny, boy that she had bumped into at the bookstore she frequented.
His hair was the color of spilled ink. With his baby blue eyes that seemed to sparkle like a thousand sapphires to complete the pretty boy look...
And, there goes Lucy's creative writing mind. But, oh was it ever true.

She had to rub at her eyes to make sure hearts hadn't taken them over. Her heart was so light in her chest that she thought it wasn't even there to begin with. Excitement hummed in her vines. Making her mind sore with possibilities that this date could bring her.

Now, Lucy was a romantic at heart.
It had been shown plenty of times.
The Mage knew that she was hoping for something that couldn't possibly happen on a first date. However, one, such as she, could hope. Truth was, (the ugly truth), Lucy was lonely.
She had been observing the Guild lately. What she had witnessed, had hit something in her.
Her heart to be exact.

She saw love.

From family love to in love, she was all around it, but she wasn't in it. Sure, she did feel the love that her Guild Mates had for her. She was no stranger to the pure emotion.
But she didn't have what she yearned for.
And that was to be loved by someone.
Like, really be loved. Like her characters were in her book. Funny how she could write about how in love they were when she had never been.
She needed to fix that.

Hence the date she was heading to soon. Very soon, in fact. The sun was about to set soon. Lucy was supposed to meet him at sunset. He had told her he would meet her at the Café right next to the bookstore. Without realizing it Lucy had picked up the pace until she was practically speed walking to her apartment. Apparently her excitement had traveled down into her legs.

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