He's Hurt (NaLu)

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He's Hurt

I was running.
My heart was beating to the point of nearly ripping it's way free from my heaving chest. My ears rang with the sounds of the erratic beating.
However, the loud ba-dum's of my heart did nothing to block out the other sounds that still rang in my ears.
The shouting.
The screaming.
The cries of agony.
The thump of a body hitting the ground...
I ran faster.
Up the stairs.
Almost there.
A sharp right.

I busted through the doors to the Guild's infirmary. The bang of the doors hitting the walls made several heads whip in my direction. But, one stayed perfectly still.
The one laying in the white bed.
The one who needed to be in the infirmary.
The one who should never be in here.

"How is he?" The words were croaked out, they were  barely above a whisper. To my left, I saw Porlyusica, Fairy Tail's medic, mixing up an abundant of strange looking chemicals together. The chemicals hissed and fizzed when they collided with each other. The pink haired woman scoffed at me, never taking her cold eyes off the potion she held in her withered hands.

"What do you think, girl?" Her words were sharp, clipped, and full of dripping acid. "Do you think he is doing alright?" I swallowed hard. My limbs had begun to quake, my bones rattled like skeletons in the wind.
I didn't want to look.
I really didn't.
Because, that person laying motionless on that plain bed could not be him. It couldn't be. It was impossible.

Oh, but it is possible.
An insidious voice hissed in my ear. You should know...
Stop it...
I could feel it smiling.
It was loving how much it's hideous words were affecting me.
You were the one that put him there, Lucy.
No...it's not true!
Lies~ it hissed, enjoying itself.
I slammed my hands over my ringing ears.
Make it go away.
Who's gonna make me leave?
Please, someone.
The only one who can...
No! Please, no! Don't say it!
Is the one who's DYING!

I screamed. Falling onto my knees with a thud. Pain flashed through my knees from the painfully hard floor. The pain was nothing compared to what my heart was going through.

My knees were bruised.
My heart was breaking.
And soon, it would be gone.
Leaving a black hole in its wake.
Faintly, I heard voices near me, hands being put on my shoulders, the soft whispers of my name being called.
But, all I could hear was his screaming.

All my fault...
Yasssss, little Lucy Heartfilia, allllll your fault...

I let go. Fading into the darkness that beckoned to me with a killer's smile.


"How long has she been like that?" A voice broke through my shattered conscious.
"A while, the little brat."
"Can't you try any-"
"Look! I've been exhausting all my skills just to keep that boy over there alive. I don't have any time to waste over a girl that is blaming herself!"
Blaming...that sounds correct.
"But, she's suffering."
"And so is he! But worse!"
"Is there really nothing else you can do for him?"
Of course there is...
There is...I don't understand why you are lying.
There's always something.
"I've done everything I can."
"It may be enough. Or it may not be."
"Only time will tell."
He'll be alright.
He has to be.
Natsu will always be alright.


He's been in a coma for 6 days now. That was all Porlyusica could do to keep his heart beating.
"He has internal injuries." She had told us all.
My fault.
"He might not last much longer."
Do something.
"Wendy and I have done our best to heal him."
Not good enough.
"We will know if our treatment has worked in a couple of days."
No, not days, now
"All we can do now, is wait."

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