Fire & Iron (Dragon Brothers)

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Fire & Iron

Natsu Dragneel was in hell.
An annoying, horrible, iron hell.
"Salamander! Move yer feet, dammit!"
And he wanted out.
"Shut up! You metal bastard!" The Fire Dragon Slayer snapped back. His traveling companion bared his abnormally sharp canines at him, which only made Natsu's already boiling anger spike. The Metal Head was pushing him into dangerous territory. Hell, he was already in it.

However, the only reason why Scrap Metal for Brains' face wasn't being smashed into a flaming fist, was because of one person.
A person that the Fire Mage promised that he wouldn't fight against his rival (that much anyway.)
He had promised Lucy Heartfilia. Natsu never broke his promises to her. Like he knew his temporary partner would never break his promises to Levy McGarden.

How entrapped they were to their girls.

"Not like I can walk beside you." Natsu grumbled to himself, even though he knew that his fellow Dragon Slayer could hear it. Keen hearing and all.
"You smell to much anyway."
"That's it!" Gajeel Redfox roared as he spun around to face the Flamie Bastard who already had a smug grin on his face. "Yer dead!" The Iron Mage yelled as he lunged to the all to eager Fire Mage. Natsu met Gajeel with his fist crackling with fire. While Gajeel's was encased with iron, they both cocked back their arms, and let their fists fly-

"Hello!" Both Dragon Slayers froze, their fists still covered with their elements. Crimson and onyx eyes flashed towards each other before finding the source of the voice that had interrupted the boys' fight. Their eyes took in a young looking man wearing a white Business suit and looking down at them with annoyance swimming in his yellow eyes. His purple hair stood out vividly against the off white shirt and pants he wore. A forced looking smile was on his handsome face as his pale eyes took in the two Mages of Fairy Tail.

Although, he kind of hoped that these two were not the infamous Fire and Iron Dragon Slayers that he had sent for. But one look at the fire that licked along the fist of one and the other having his own balled up fist encased in iron, made his hope diminish.
This was indeed Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox.

The nameless young man cleared his throat, "Mr. Dragneel?-" Natsu nearly snorted. "Mr. Redfox?-" Gajeel did laugh. Seriously? Mr. Dragneel? Mr. Redfox? The Fire Mage though amusingly, Just who the hell does he think we are?

"Umm, yay, that's us." Natsu called out, straightening his fighting stance into a more relaxed one. "Ah, wonderful!" The man's strained cheerfulness made a sharp grin to form on the Iron Mage's lips. "We have a lot to discuss in a very short amount of time." The purple haired man said with false regret in his tone. "So, if you would please, follow me?" Without waiting for a reply, he turned, and strolled along.

The two boys shared a glance before following after the strange man.
Just what have the Metal Head and I gotten ourselves into?
In all of Natsu's life, he had only been in two places that were this fancy. The palace and Lucy's old home. And when Natsu said fancy he meant Don't-Even-Breath-In-Here fancy. Every step he took he feared he was walking on something that cost more then Cana's booze...which was saying a lot! With one look at Gajeel's widened eyes, the Fire Mage knew that his Guild Mate felt the same. Natsu could already hear Lucy's voice as if she were right beside him saying, "Natsu, whatever you do, don't. Set. Fire. To. Anything...or anyone.

He let out a amused huff as he ambled along behind the weirdly dressed man that had led them here.
Whatever you say, Luce.
Natsu was brought back to the here and now by a harsh bump in the shoulder by Gajeel. The Fire Mage snapped his head up, his eyes narrowed in anger, "Wh-?"
Gajeel silenced him with a sharp shake of his head and jerked his studded chin toward the man in front of them. Only then did Natsu notice that he had been speaking to them.

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