~Dream On~ (NaLu)

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~Dream On~

Lucy couldn't believe what was happening. This...this shouldn't be happening...

"Why-why won't he wake up...?"
She asked the pink haired Fairy Tail healer for what felt like the millionth time. The millionth time, in the same dead voice, that caused everyone who heard it to cringe. If you had asked anyone, they would have said that Lucy, the always light hearted, cheerful girl, was dead inside.

All just from hearing her voice.

Then they would be right.

She felt empty inside.


It was all a blur...a blur of noise and color. This job...this simple job had turned into a nightmare that Lucy couldn't wake up from.
No matter how hard she tried.
No matter how hard she willed herself.


"What happened?" She faintly heard Porlyusica ask.

"He was hit by some kind of Magic I've never seen before. We tried everything, but he wouldn't wake up." That was Gray's voice, urgent, and close to panic.

He...won't...wake up...

"I-I tried"-sob-"wake him up!" Wendy wailed.

"It is not your fault, Wendy...I'm sure he'll wake up." Erza, being her optimistic self.

"Come on, Natsu! Wake up! I got some yummy fish for you!" Happy, trying to wake his best friend up, persuaded gently.

Lucy remained silent.

She couldn't move.

Couldn't breath.

He has to wake up...

He has too.

I'll be so lonely...

Then days passed; Natsu wouldn't wake up no matter what Porlyusica did. No matter what potion she made him drink or created, nothing could counteract the Magic that made him sleep.

None of it worked.

Lucy's spirits didn't know what to do.

Levy's books told her nothing.

All the healers that Fairy Tail called upon, could not break it.

Natsu remained asleep, even when Lucy called his name till her voice was hoarse and her throat burned.


One day, after many, in her dead like state, Lucy heard Porlyusica telling The Master what she had learned.

"The Magic is called Time Stopper Magic. It is an ancient Magic that is very rare and forbidden. The Magic is what it's name entitles. Once casted upon someone, that poor soul goes into a slumber. The person does not age, does not require any food, or anything a normal person in a coma would need. Time just simply stops for them."

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