~Daylight~ (NaLu)

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Natsu had had another one.

This time it had been worse...much worse.

It had made him bolt upright.
His muffled screams had been what had finally jerked him awake. His eyes had been wide and wild as they darted around his home. Searching the shadows that his keen eyesight broke through. Searching but not finding the thing that had been haunting his dreams. His body had been shaking, his teeth chattering together, as he curled up into himself.

This was the side of himself that only the night took witness to.

This weak state of mind and body he was in, was a secret that only the night and himself knew. Not even Happy knew, well, he hoped his little buddy didn't. The little Exceed was actually pretty good with keeping secrets that he didn't want to spill. Natsu didn't want Happy to worry about him. He didn't want anyone too. This was his problem, after all. Why burden someone with it?

Oh, but he already had dragged someone into it. It had been an accident of course. How was he supposed to know that she woke up so early? So early, that it resulted in him getting caught, and then quite literally thrown out a window.

Natsu sighed as he hopped up and excited his cottage. Happy wasn't here with him on this cold night. "Thank Mavis for that," Natsu muttered to himself as he let his feet guide him along an invisible, but well walked path. He breathed in deeply, a puff of smoke escaping his mouth when he exhaled. Natsu's skin was slick with cold sweat, letting him think that his nightmare still clung to him, weighing him down.

It didn't want to let go of him just yet.

Natsu huffed as he broke through the tree line, rounded a building, crossed a small bridge, and there he found himself on a street he had walked through many times.

Strawberry Street, home to none other then his partner. Natsu stepped up to her apartment building, tilted his head up, and jumped. Without a sound he landed on her windowsill, and placed his hand on the window, and pushed slightly.
Natsu laughed softly as he lightly jumped through. Lucy always left the window open. He didn't know whether it was for him, or she just forgot to lock it.

He'd like to think it was cause of him though.

As soon as he entered her apartment, he could feel the threatening shadows start to seep away. He took a breath, letting his senses take in the soothing scent of vanilla and ink. Ah, this is what he needed. His little, secret, safe haven.

A truly wonderful aroma was coming from his favorite part of the apartment, catching his attention. Natsu eyed the kitchen.
He was sure his partner wouldn't miss a cookie...or two...or all of them.
He had taken a small step toward the kitchen where he would find his treasure, when a whimper so very pitiful met the air, making him stop in his tracks.

Natsu quickly looked over his shoulder and he could feel his heart hurting. Lucy was having a nightmare.
Her blond hair was damp with sweat as was her skin. Her once peaceful face was twisted in a grimace. Her hands were fisting the sheets and another small whine came from her.
Correction; Lucy was having a night terror.

Just like him.

Natsu went over to the distressed Mage and put his hand gently on her shoulder. "Lucy...Oi, you okay?" He muttered as he cocked his head to the side. Lucy didn't awaken, but her eyes did flutter slightly.
"Natsu...?" She breathed.
Natsu's hand fell away when she shifted and rolled over, facing him. The Dragon Slayer froze. He tensed as he studied the distance and thought over how much time it would take him to hurtle himself out the window before she exploded at him.

But that didn't happen.

Instead, Lucy sighed softly, and her nightmares became dreams again. Natsu knew he wasn't gonna get any sleep tonight. His own terror of the night was still haunting him. It hovered over him, just waiting patiently for him to go back into the Land of Dreams, where it could finally attack.

Who needs sleep anyway? Natsu thought to himself as he tip toed to the kitchen, where his heavenly snack waited for him. Certainly not me and these cookies, I'm sure! He happily thought as he followed his nose that led him to his prize. Natsu practically tackled the box where his cookies lay, sealed inside. Heheh, not for long!

Just as he was about to tear the box open, a pink sticky note fluttered to the ground by his foot, effectively drawing his attention. He bent down and snatched the note up, curiously reading the words elegantly scrawled there.

For Natsu and Happy
(Natsu if you find these early I swear I will Lucy Kick you if you eat them!)
Enjoy boys!

"Shit," he hissed, "She's on to me."
Natsu couldn't help but sweatdrop, even as a smile came to his face. He shook his head and set the box down.
But turned right back around, ripped the lid off, stole a cookie, (really! Who would miss one?) and tip toed back out of the kitchen. Crumbs covered his face and hands but they were quickly gone with a few licks.

Natsu turned to Lucy and grinned, "Thanks, Luce."

As he whispered this, he couldn't help but think of something that had always confused him. His Guild Mates seemed to think that he was the one who lit his own fire. They seemed to think that he was the one who controlled and held the flickering flame that made him who he was.

How wrong could his Guild Mates possible be?

Couldn't they see it? Like he saw it?
Couldn't they tell? Couldn't they figure it out? It was not he who held the fire, but instead, it was the girl who they saw almost everyday. Natsu would think that they could see what he saw. That they could figure it out by now. It was this perfect, strange, girl, that he had the pleasure of calling his partner.

And, couldn't they see?

Couldn't they see, like he saw, that she was the one who held his fire in her hands?

Natsu chuckled quietly to himself as he looked out the window.

He'd be gone before the sun rose.

Natsu turned back to look at his partner that no longer suffered from ugly dreams. Yay, thank ya, Luce.
It seemed that his own cure, had a cure of her own.

And, as the sun rose, and the golden daylight flittered through Lucy's room, the only soul in there was Lucy herself.

The other one, the only wielding the fire himself, was already gone.

Free of nightmares and not with the knowledge of who had gotten rid of them, Lucy awoke to the first rays of daylight.

But, as Lucy rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she did see one thing other then the golden rays. Sitting on her window sill, was a big, chocolate chip cookie.

~The End~

Look, guys! NaLu fluff!
How did this make you all feel?
Hmmm? Gihihi

This chapter is for 0BananaCop0
& minecraftiachick
Cause I'm pretty sure I broke them and a lot of others on the last One-Shot...

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