Kissing Death ~Part Ten~

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~Part Ten~

I plopped down onto the icy ledge of the building and dropped my bag

beside me as I let my legs dangle over the edge. It was freezing out, but I wasn't about to go back inside. There was too much on my mind. And I knew the roof was the only place I could truly be alone.

It was dark, but the few lights coming from the windows allowed me to see the concrete below me. I could clearly make out my foot prints in the snow leading into the building, even though I was nearly seven stories off the ground.

I pulled my bag over to me and dumped all of it's contents onto the roof until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out a half drank bottle of vodka and set it beside me on the roof. I had bought it off my history teacher for fifty bucks. Pretty expensive. But it was worth it to me.

I unscrewed the top of the bottle and dropped it over the edge, watching the cap hit the ground with a soft thud. I took a sip off the clear liquid letting it slowly go down my throat burning the whole way down. God I'd missed that. In less than twenty minutes I had polished off the whole bottle and I hardly had a buzz. I sighed in frustration at how much it took now to get me drunk. I crossed my legs and pulled out my phone checking my tumblr then setting that beside me along with the empty bottle.

I began thinking. And not in a good way. Once I got a thought into my head there was no stopping it. My head was alive with activity and the alcohol in my system only added to the dizzying affect of my thoughts. I thought about everything. And I do mean everything. I thought about my parents divorce. My recent breakups. My drinking habits. It was like a list really. Thinking about every bad thing that's ever happened in my life until I was completely livid.

I finally ran out of thoughts. My mind finally going completely blank. I felt numb. Completely numb. If someone had walked up behind me and pushed my off that building I wouldn't have giving two fucks.

I picked up the bottle beside me. The empty glass still had some weight to it and it felt lethal in my hand. Could really do some damage with this. I rolled it around in between both of my hands. Until I decided how I would get rid of it. I grasped the neck of the bottle and threw it as hard as I could over the ledge. I counted to three before I heard it shatter as it got the concrete. The scream that followed it was what made me jump.

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