12 - Just When It Was Getting Good

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April 12th, 2015 - Whitehall Manor, Northern England

I woke to the sun spilling through the white curtains across my doors and I smiled to myself, yawning as I sat up and looked around my room again. I still couldn't believe I was human again, I was home and I was with Matt and Cassia. It was more than I could ever ask for.

I quickly bounce out of bed and pull a knee-length, long sleeved pink dress and pull it on, tying a golden belt around my waist. I stand in front of my vanity table and quickly tie my hair up in a ponytail, the chocolate curls hanging in messy waves. I quickly leave my room and walk quickly down to where I know the kitchen is, but run into Matt as I round a corner too fast. I stumble and almost fall, but he catches me with one arm.

"Slow down, Alice, what's the hurry?" His voice is kind, but with a small laugh in it.

"Matt, thanks," I'm taking deep breaths as I smile up at him. "I was on my way to the kitchen."

He gives a small laugh and pulls me up, steadying me on my feet. His arm stays around me a moment longer than it needs too, and I notice, as a light blush creeps up my face. "Mind if I join, I was on my way to find you?"

"Yeah, of course," I smile and turn, hiding my blushing face and the pink disappears almost instantly. 

He catches up quickly and takes my hand in his, but neither of us talk as we walk down several staircases to the kitchen. I walk through the door and find Marie making up a huge fruit platter, with bacon, eggs and sausages cooking on the stove. 

"Oh, good morning dear," she looks up from the apples she's slicing and gives us both a smile.

"Good morning," Matt smiles back at her and nods.

"Good morning, Marie, is there anything I can help with?" I walk forward into the kitchen as my hand slips from Matt's. I lean on the bench opposite her and watch as she tucks some stray hair behind her ear.

"Oh, you don't have to help with anything, Alice, I'm nearly done anyway." She smiles and nods warmly at me, her rosy cheeks lighting up.

"Are you sure?" I question again, wanting to help.

"Yes, yes, I've got it under control," she nods again, looking down at the fruit again. "Actually, would you mind going and wake up Andrew and Cassia, was it? Would you mind?"

"Of course," I smile happily and walk out past Matt, smiling up at him. I hear Marie ask him to set the table from down the hall as I race up the stairs to where I remember Cassia's room was last night.

As I approach her door, I slow down my walking pace, and then knock on her door and take a step back. Cass opens the door a moment later wearing a loose t-shirt and tiny pyjama shorts, her hair braided down her back.

"Morning," I smile cheerfully as she sticks her head out the door, holding it closed behind her. Almost like she's hiding something.

"Alice, what can I do for you?" She smiles, her eyes going wide.

"Um, Marie asked me to get you for breakfast," I raise an eyebrow and she unwillingly opens the door. 

I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. I find a shirtless Andrew drying his wet hair with a towel, but he freezes when he sees me standing in the open doorway. "Oh, good morning Alice."

"Andrew?" I'm pretty sure my face goes into shock momentarily. "Um, breakfast will be served in a few minutes, just so you know." I give a small smile.

I don't wait for a reply before I take off back to the kitchen, where I tell Marie that they'll be down in a moment. Then I hurry to the dining room and find Matt, finished laying out cutlery.

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