State Fair

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After me and Kyle got finished getting ready, we both walked to the State Fair. "Wow, they got all of the cool rides here. Which one should we go on first?" I asked Kyle. "I don't know, but I might not get on any." I said getting sort of scared. "What do you mean. I thought you loved roller coasters?" Kyle said. "Fine, I'll get on. But you can't laugh at me if I get scared, OK?" I said. "Ok!"

We both looked around for a fun ride to get on, but so far, we couldn't find any. We looked for about 30 minutes, until we found a ride for friends. "Hey Mic, we should get on that ride." Kyle was pointing straight at the ride. "Why do we have to get on that one. It seems weird." I don't know why I would say that. But it did look weird, it looks like a ride a couple would go on just to make out. "To bad Mic, we're getting on anyway. Come on." Kyle said as he dragged me all the way to the line.

There was only like two couples in line, so we would be on the ride in like 2 minutes.

When we were at the front of the line, and I was scared and nervous. What are we going to do in there. It takes 25 minutes just to get through the whole ride.

"Next!" "Come on Mic, it's our turn know!" Kyle said as he pulled me on to the ride. "OK!, have fun" the person in charge of the ride said, as he pulled the lever to start our ride.

We started to move and Kyle was really happy about the ride. "Why are you so happy about this ride?" I asked Kyle. "Well, I always wanted to go on this ride with somebody that I..." He was silent. "Somebody that you what?" I asked as I saw his face turn red. "Somebody that I... I loved. And th-that somebody was y-you Mic." Kyle said as his face turned cherry red. I grabbed his hand and held it. "Look, you don't have to be scared to show that you love me. We both love each other. " I said as I hugged Kyle. "Thank you Mic." Kyle said as he kissed me.

As we got near the exit of the ride I told Kyle to wake. (He took a tiny nap) "Wake up Kyle. We're at the end of the ride." I said as he woke up.

When we got off the ride, we started to walk to some game booths. "Hey let's try that one." Kyle said as he pointed to a basketball booth. "You should do it, because your a good shooter. I know you play basketball." Kyle said. "Okay fine. I'll do it, if you'll shut up." I said as we both walked up to the stand. "How much for one play?" I asked. "3 dollars for one 3 balls."The man said. I handed him 3 dollars and he handed me the balls. "Thanks," I said as I got ready to shoot.

"ONE, TWO, THREE! Congrats! You got all the balls in the hoop, choose your prize!" I had won the booths game. The prize that I chose was a big fat puffy bear. "Here you go sir, enjoy." the man said handing me the stuffed bear. "Thanks sir." I said as I grabbed the bear.


When we got home, (Kyles house) I handed the bear to Kyle as a gift. I didn't really like stuffed animals. "Thank you Mic, You didn't have to give it to me." Kyle said as he hugged the bear. "Well I know in the back of your closet, you have all of the stuffed toys I gave you growing up. So I got that bear and waited till we got home to tell you about it." I said turning bright red. Kyle came up to me and gave me a kiss. "Thank you. And stop going in my closet whenever your scared or embarrassed. Okay?" Kyle asked. "okay." I lied.

After a while of being in the house, watching movies, I got bored. We were watching Naruto Shippuden. "Can we watch something else please? I'm tired of this show right now." I cried. "Okay. What do you want to watch?" Kyle asked me. I thought really hard on what to watch. Then it came to me. "How about Sword Art Online? It's a really good anime series. It's about player who gets stuck in a virtual game and if they die in the game, they die for real." I said as I say Kyle's face. "Okay, fine. We can watch it." Kyle said as he went to Neflex and went on Sword Art Online.

(//Hi guys, thanks for reading my book 'my friend is gay, does that mean I am?' I am really great full. My other two or three books I have, I haven't really updated it in a long while, can some of you please choose witch one I should update besides this book\\) (Instagram- twinmathews01
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