After School Part 2

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While we were on the bus waiting to get to his house I was listening to music, to ignore the loud noises on the bus. Then I felt a little tap on my arm from Kyle. "Hey we're almost at my stop so get your stuff ready." "Ok," I said putting my headphones back in my ear. I skipped the song I was listening to. Then the next song, was a song from a show called Naruto. The song was call "Wind." It's a really good song, but it's Japanese. It sings the song in English (some in Japanese) but it's from Japan. When we got to Kyle's stop, he pulled my arm so I could stay behind him the whole time. "Bye, Mrs. Shannon." Kyle said as he got off the bus. "Bye have a great weekend." She said back with a smile. Kyle's house was 5 minutes away from his bus stop. So we had to walk for 5 minutes. When we finally got to his house, I was happy. I knew I would be able to sit down soon. Kyle and I walked up to his door. He knocked on it to see if anyone was home. Silence. "Well I guess no ones home." Kyle said. I saw him bend down, and when he did a saw a little smirk come from his face. Then he lifted up the mat that was at the door. Then he found a key. "Good thing we have a secret key." Kyle said look at me. I just smiled. He finally unlocked the door. I ran in and sat on the couch. "My leg are killing me!" I said. "Well how bout you go upstairs and wait for me in my room. Ok?" "Yeah ok." I said. Why did he want me to go upstairs in his room. He had never told me to do that before. I wonder what's up. When I got to his room, I saw that it had every single thing I had given him while we have been growing up. "Hey Mic, do u want..." he stopped in a surprised. "Oh, sorry. I know that's kind of weird, but all those thing are very special to me." Kyle said while his,face was turning red. "No it's ok, I think it's sweet." I said with a smile. "So what were you going to ask me?" I asked. "Oh, never mind." Kyle said looking silly. "Hey Mic look. I asked you to come over for a certain reason." Hu, what was Kyle getting at. He's been acting a little weird since we got here. "Mic, I need to tell you something, and if I don't do it now. I don't think I'll be able to do it at all." It was silent for a while. I waited to hear what he had to say, but he was just looking down at his feet. I wonder what he has to say.
"Well the thing is, I'm gay." Kyle said.
WHAT !!!!!!

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