At Home

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                When I heard Kyle tell me that he was gay, I... didn't know what to do or say. " What? I hope your not mad, and end our friendship?" Kyle said. I still didn't know what to say. It surprised me that much, that my heart stopped.

          Then I felt something in my chest. My mind was telling me that I also liked him. Not as a friend, but as a... no no no! What am I thinking.

          "Look, Kyle. I understand. And because you're gay, doesn't mean I'm going to end our friendship. It's not like you change personality. Your, you. And that's that." I said through the top of my head. But i know I meant all of it.

         "Thank you Mic for understanding!" he said as he started crying in my arms. Whenever Kyle was upset, I was always there for him to cry in my arms.

          Like when his mom died, when I got to the hospital, I saw him crying. When I asked him what happened, he told me. I also felt bad, because, his mom was sort of my like a mom to me. I don't have a mom, she died giving birth to me. And so i grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, and ever since then, he Always cries in my arms.

          Kyle was crying so long that he fell asleep, because I was the strong one, I carried him onto his bed. While he was sleep, I didn't want to leave. (My parents aren't home on weekends) So when Kyle's dad said I had to choice to stay on the weekends.

          After a while of watching Kyle sleep, I started to fall asleep. When I was sleeping, i had a dream about me and Kyle living together as if we were brothers. But then i heard a voice calling my name, "Micheal, Micheal! Wake up!"

          "Hu?" I said waking up. "Mic, My dad came home with some McDonald's. Come downstairs and eat before I eat it." When i heard Kyle say that, I ran so fast that i was at the table before Kyle even got to the stairs.

          "Woo, slow down Michael, you don't want to fall do you?" Said, Mr. Sanders. (Kyle's dad) "No, sorry." I said as I sat down. When Kyle came down stair look at me and then asked, "How did you get down here so fast?" "If you say you're going to take my food, I run at the speed of light." I said joking around. "Dad, can me and Micheal eat in my room. PLEASE???" Kyle asked. "Sure, but don't waste any food. OK?" Mr. Sanders said. "OK!" Me and Kyle said as we ran upstairs.

          When we got upstairs, Kyle placed his food on his bed, and I sat on the chair I always sit in.  "So, Mic what type of movie do u want to watch, I don't know. Whatever you want to watch I guess." I said as I ate my food. I was still a little weird from Kyle coming out to me. 

                                                      (Kyle's P.O.V.)

          I looked at Mic and saw him looking mostly down. He didn't even jump on my bed like he does. He even did when he was sad. 

           "Mic, I know your sad. What's up?" I asked. He continued looking down but said, "Well, I'm still a little confused about you being gay, I just never thought you were gay. I'm sorry." He said as he started to cry a little. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. 

           "It's OK, I just because I'm gay does not mean anything.We're friends, and I won't change that. OK? Even if you start to hate me, your still my friend. I said smiling at him. "Yeah, OK." Mic said as we both hugged. 

                    AUTHOR'S NOTE

Hey guys, thank you for reading my book, I'm trying to make it up to 50 followers. If i can make it up to that much, I'm going to try to make a book using ideas that my followers  can give me. Thanks for following, STAY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Friend is Gay, Does That Mean I Am?Where stories live. Discover now