Chapter 73: It's Mine, All Mine

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Alright, let's break past the security measures and make this place my own, along with all of its mechanical inhabitants.

Cracking my fingers, I opened up a command prompt terminal and started typing away on the main controller's keyboard to begin the process of hacking the relatively advanced security this facility possessed for its systems. Several minutes went by whilst I machined gun the keys and before long the server's security along with its AI succumbed to my skilled breaching abilities.

Now that wasn't too much of a challenge.

I thought to myself, satisfied. I could've forwent that entire task had I used my Mechanical Domination, but I occasionally enjoyed putting my intelligence and physical abilities to the test every once in a while. It also wasn't bad to keep my actual hacking skills fresh in case I ever needed to rely on them instead of the perks I gained through the system.

Content having put my skills to use, I was presented with the main window of the system that controlled this place and everything in it. Despite me wanting to go through it manually like I would've preferred, I refrained from doing so in favor of speed since I had my family and friends who are nearly at the level of being considered blood brothers waiting on me. So, not wanting to keep everyone out in the hot Nevada sun for much longer, I utilized Mechanical Domination and began taking over the system and everything it had governance over.

Due to me weakening the defenses through my hacking moments prior, it sped up the process a decent bit. And not all that many minutes in, I had the administration and employee lists wiped and full control over the system, the basic AI running the show here, and the thousands of robots that were still operating and functioning to this very day within this facility. What I gained in the way of robots were 749 Assault Bots, 4,893 CD1 Security Robots, 1,874 Laborers, 99 Miss Maids, 200 Mister Maintenances, and 300 Sentinels. And for turrets, I acquired 250 AAEL Defense Turrets.

| Assault Bot |
Armament: 2 x Inbuilt Wrist Mounted Assault Lasers
Carry Capacity: 300
Health: 250
Resistances: DT 55
Power: Fusion
Value: 32,500
Description: The first generation of Assault Bots was designed for the former U.S. military to fulfill the role of assaulting fortified positions that would likely result in troop casualties and excels at doing so. This model is bipedal and armored up to the level that it can shrug off 7.62x51mm rounds as if they're nothing. In addition to those features, this robot possesses two built in wrist mounted automatic assault laser emitters and has the ability to wield any human weapon more effectively than most trained soldiers, hence why it is so good at its job. Designed by Cyberdynamics.

| Laborer |
Carry Capacity: 150
Health: 75
Resistances: DT 50
Power: Fusion
Value: 5,000
Description: The Laborer model of robots was Cyberdynamics's solution to replacing basic human labor. This model of robot can perform basic tasks efficiently and without rest. It can also perform hazardous work without the worry of being sued. Designed by Cyberdynamics.

| Miss Maid |
Carry Capacity: 100
Health: 50
Resistances: DT 5
Power: Fusion
Value: 3,000
Description: The Miss Maid is a general bipedal housekeeping robot that was designed and manufactured in collaboration of both American Standard and Cyberdynamics. This particular model of robot specializes in keeping things clean.

| Mister Maintenance |
Carry Capacity: 200
Health: 120
Resistances: DT 10
Power: Fusion
Value: 5,000
Robot Description: Although this robot is designed in collaboration with the same two companies American Standard and Cyberdynamics as the miss maid series, it is, however, entirely different and serves the purpose of keeping all sorts of computers, electronics, equipment and machinery maintained. This model comes equipped with several manipulator arms so it can perform its duties with all manner of tools.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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