Forever and Always

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I woke up extremely happy but a little sad. Jordan had to go out of town this weekend to see some old friends. But Maddy was coming over so I wouldn't be lonely.

"I love you baby girl. Text me and call me. I'll see you soon."

I kissed Jordan and then watched her leave.

Maddy arrived a few minutes later with some movies and candy.

"Sam I know you'll be sad without Jordan so I decided to make you happy!"

She put on The Hunger Games and I instantly smiled. This was my first date with Jordan. We saw this movie. But then I started missing her again and I frowned.

"Maddy let's doing something else to make me happy."

Maddy sprang on me as soon as the words were out of my mouth.

Her lips pressed firmly against mine and I instantly pushed away.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed.

"Sam we all know we like each other."

I shook my head vigorously.

"Maddy no. Stop. I'm with her for-"

Maddy kissed me again, hard. I tried pulling away but Maddy was persistent. Eventually, I gave up. I kissed her back.

What the fuck am I doing?! No!

I yanked away from Maddy and pushed her away from me roughly.

"What the hell, Maddy? You know I'm with Jordan! I don't even know why I kissed you back....."

Maddy's green eyes pierced right through me.

"Sam, you know you want me. You like me, even if you love her."

"No Maddy! No..... I don't..... No....... I don't know."

My eyes went down to the floor as I muttered the last three words.

Maddy sprang on me again and this time, I didn't resist at all. I let her kiss me and I kissed her back. But it felt weird and wrong. I didn't know if I liked her or not, but I had to know. Maddy's hand tugged at my shirt hem and I pulled away sharply.

"Ok now I know. What just happened can never be told to Jordan or anyone. This was a mistake."

Maddy's face flashed hurt and she looked away.


"I'll sleep on the floor. Goodnight Maddy."

"Night Sam."

*1 Month Later*

"Jordan? Where are you baby girl?"

Jordan came out of out bathroom, looking mad as hell and sad and hurt.

"Don't call me that, Sam."

Confusion ran through my mind and showed on my face.

"W-Why not?"

"Call Maddy that instead. 'Cause apparently you'd rather be with her!"

My eyes flashed to Jordan's phone. She had just talkedt tto Maddy.

"Jordan.... I'm so sorry. I've been wanting to tell you. But I couldn't face your anger and hurt and it meant absolutely noth-"

"SHUT UP SAM! Cut the bullshit. I'm done. I won't be with a liar and a cheater.

And with that, she shoved past me and out the door.

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