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Sixteen | T A E H Y U N G

"Ya, this idiot-" I stopped halfway as I realized Jungkook was looking at me in a weird way but continued anyway, "-thinking she can mess with my emotions and just run away like that!"

He just turned and shook his head, "you're too deep in that I can't help you anymore; too deep."

I chuckled. He was just too young to understand what love really was (or maybe not- considering that he's just two years younger).

This girl; this broken girl. She held a tough front even though she was facing so much. She protected her mom even though her mom blamed her for everything. Despite not knowing the entire situation, I believed in her and swore to myself that I would protect her.

My phone rang as I picked up. Who else could it be? I thought while smiling goofily as I picked it up. However, the voice on the other end wasn't who I expected it to be.

"Who do you think you are to mess around with Jesse's feelings? You promised her didn't you, to protect whenever she's feeling down. You know she's hurt; you know she breaking. Then why didn't you save her this afternoon? Why weren't you there when she needed you the most?"

I was taken aback. Who was this stranger? Why did he suddenly come in with those statements? Those question occupied my mind. However, there was one and one question that stood out- "What happened to Jesse? Is she alright?"

I could only hear a scoff before he replied, "Alright? You want to know if she's alright even when you didn't turn up for her. What a fantastic person you are, don't you think?

Well, fuck off. Get away from Jesse. You don't deserve her. As my right as her best friend, I'm telling you that." With that, he hung up on me.

No time was wasted as I dialed the only number I could think of as many thoughts took my mind. However, no sound was heard as the phone was picked up. Despite my many attempts in saying hello or asking if anyone's there.

The phone was picked up, but a voice wasn't answering.

I felt like hugging her at that very instance. I felt like taking her lips into mine. I didn't even know how she looked like which was stupid, but I didn't need to. Just know by the way she texts or even her voice, I already knew.

I already knew I was in love with her.

"Jesse, listen to me okay? I don't know what happened and I'm sorry. For not being there for you today. But please, hear me out.

You're not stupid. You're not ugly. I swear to God, you're fucking beautiful. You're the most beautiful girl with the most beautiful voice I've ever met. I sincerely apologize for what happened today when you needed me the most but yet I wasn't there. I couldn't be there for you.

But, I know you're strong and I believe that no matter what, you can pull through. Despite rough patches and challenging obstacles, you're Jesse and you're you. You will never let some stupid facade break you, right? I love how you're always so thick headed in everything you do. I love the way you handle things.

During that time when you first called me to cry- I knew you were one hell of a strong person. So hang in there okay? Please stay strong. I love you Jesse, I really do."

A cough could be heard in the background while her hoarse voice finally came through in a hushed whisper. She had been crying- I could hear.

"I don't know who the hell are you, but you're driving me insane. You make butterflies mess up my appetite while I unconsciously look forward to all of your messages. You somehow just evoke feelings that I myself can't even comprehend. Who are you to make me feel this way?" She chuckled, "but I don't care, you know right? So don't leave me. Even if you fall in love with someone else, please don't leave me.

I smiled as tears pricked the end of my eyes while nodding even if she couldn't see.

"Jesse, I will never leave you, even if the sky falls. Even if the world ends, I will never ever leave you simply because, I have fallen recklessly in love with you."

From the other end, I could hear her smiling.

"I think, I have fallen hopelessly in love with you too."


I swear it's going to get better.

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