Chapter Eight

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Y/n was sat next to Gon and Killua, all three of them looking out of the blimp window to the night sky

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Y/n was sat next to Gon and Killua, all three of them looking out of the blimp window to the night sky.

"Yo," Killua voiced, "Mob, you okay?" He asked, glancing at her with his blue eyes. "You're spacing out."

Y/n blinked and then locked eyes with the albino boy, "Yeah. I just... like looking at the sky." She said, a small smile crawling on her lips.

Killua's pale cheeks turned a little pink at the sight, "Mmh. And..." His blush darkened, "What else do you like to do?" He turned to face her fully.

"I like milk, and making dogs float." She said, her voice soft.

"Making... dogs float?" Killua tilted his head slightly. "You can do that?"

"Yeah! She can! Mob-Chan is psychic!" Gon chirped. "Isn't that cool?"

Killua blinked, "You are?"

Y/n nodded, "Yeah... I can do a couple things. I don't show them unless necessary."

Killua's eyes sparkled, "Woah... what have you done? Have you used it against people? I bet you'd be so powerful in a fight!"

Y/n twiddled her thumbs, "Actually, my master told me I shouldn't use my powers against people." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, an anxious habit. "Only to exorcise spirits."

"You can exorcise spirits!?" Killua leaned closer, his mouth agape in shock.

"You have a master? So he's stronger than you?" Gon asked right after.

Y/n nodded, "Yeah, I can exorcise spirits. And my master? He's the strongest person I know." She said, her cheeks reddening as she thought of her pure admiration for Reigen Arataka. "He's the best."

"You seem to like him a lot." Killua mumbled, "Wish I was like that with my... mentors." He rolled his eyes.

Y/n perked up, "You have a master too, Killua?" She asked, her dull eyes sparkling ever so slightly. "We have something in common." She smiled again.

And just then, Killua didn't have the heart to tell her that his "mentors" were actually abusers and manipulators in disguise as his family. He'd tell her later, but for now... he'd let her bask in the joy.

Y/n's full e/c eyes trailed up slowly when she felt an aura behind a corner. She locked eyes with the chairman, and she seemed to freeze at his intense stare.

She saw Netero smirk a little and heighten his aura to a more intense feeling. Gon and Killua flinched, with Killua whipping around to where Netero was only to see no one there.

Gon blinked, looking up at the ceiling, "What was that? An air blowing?"

Y/n gulped and Killua glanced at her. "You saw him?" He asked, and then caught sight of Netero walking from the opposite direction to the three of them. His blue eyes narrowed, "You were there, old man?"

Netero smiled coolly, "I'm not sure what you mean, must've been the vent."

Gon nodded rapidly, "That's what I said!"

Y/n grew slightly uncomfortable. "I think... I'm gonna go to bed." She said softly.

Killua nodded, "Have a good night, Mob."

"Nighty night, Mob-Chan!" Gon chirped.

Y/n gave Netero one last glance and got off the stool to go to an empty room. Once there, she flopped on the bed and sighed, 'I miss master.' She thought to herself as she snuggled into the pillow.

Her eyes fluttered closed, and then she fell fast asleep thinking of her master.

Speaking of him...

While Y/n was gone, Reigen made his way around the world, trying to figure out how things worked. He found out about Hunters, weird monsters, the currency system, and the new technology.

And through it all, he met many people. All of them which he scammed, admittedly.

He ended up in York New City, his scamming money going into buying a room for his new and improved "Spirits and Consultation Office," and an apartment right next to it.

Many people came to him so far, some criminals, others innocent people that he scammed by buying packages to exorcise or kill spirits and monsters.

He's been getting bank. And all without Mob; however, he missed the girl. And if he was being honest, he'd give up the money just to see his student again.

And he found himself getting... depressed. Just like he was before Y/n came into his life.

"Another drink, Reigen?" The bartender asked, already pouring it.

Reigen nodded, "Yup."

He downed so many more drinks after that, and went back home stumbling and blabbering to the night sky.

And of course, the next day he woke up with a terrible hangover, but still got up to go to his office to scam other people. It's their fault for being so trusting!

He got into his office, and before he could even settle, he heard a knock. He smirked a little, "Like taking candy from a baby."

He opened the door and saw no one, and then slowly looked down to lock eyes with a little girl. He blinked. Taking candy from a literal baby.

Reigen remembered it so clearly. The little girl was Y/n, her eyes sparkling and innocent back then. Not dull and almost clueless like they were now.

Reigen wanted to take advantage of the naïve little girl after watching her stop a tea cup from spilling over after he burned himself.

'I'm in a gold mine!' He thought, laughing like a maniac in his head. 'This girl is going to get me some many customers! I have an actual psychic in my tool box now!'

But oh, how wrong he was.

The first day she came back to start working, was the day Reigen had learned a lot about her and felt himself growing attached by the second.

He learned that she had a little brother. She's had her powers since she was born. She liked making dogs float, and she really liked milk.

After Y/n's first shift, she fell fast asleep in Reigen's arms. And as he held her, he started blank face at the ceiling and thought, 'I'd die for this kid.'

She grew up so fast, and it seemed that he spent more time with her than her own parents. He was the one who went to her mandatory recitals and elementary school plays. He was the one who told her to never use her powers against people. He was the one who cupped her cheeks and told her to calm herself when she went ballistic.

But as she grew up, Reigen found himself noticing the light in her innocent eyes dimming day by day. And he never understood why.

It didn't make sense... how could she be the light in his life and have the curse of not feeling anything? How could she be the one to save him from the darkness of alcoholism and depression when she barely smiled and spaced out? It wasn't fair, and if it were up to him, he would've taken it all away and be her replacement.

And as he sat in his new office, staring at the blank walls, he dug into his pockets and pulled out his wallet. He stared at the picture of Y/n inside it.

"I can't wait to see you again... Y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: 18 hours ago ⏰

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