"I don't use my powers against people."
In which Y/n Kageyama and her master,
Reigen Arataka, get transported to a
world of nen and hunters.
#2 in mobpsycho100- 5/13...
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The blank eyed girl stared at her crush. A light blush was on her cheeks and she only waved awkwardly when her crush turned her direction.
Tsubomi Takane didn't see it, but Y/n was okay with that. Too many people were in love with the perfect girl that was Tsubomi, and Y/n couldn't blame them.
"Tsubomi-Chan is as cute as always." She mumbled to herself as her eyes blank sparkled.
She was currently by the school gate waiting for her little brother, Ritsu Kageyama. She heard her phone ring and she pulled it out of her skirt pocket. A cute milk charm hung from her blue flip phone and she answered the call before putting it up to her ear.
"Yo! Mob!" A familiar voice rang through the other side of the phone. Her master, Reigen Arataka liked to call her that. She was given that nickname because she was average and had a lack of presence. She was a background character in a story that no one would know existed.
"Oh, Master. Is there something you need?"
"I need you to come by the office, I have some work that needs to be done."
Y/n's eyes went blank again and she sighed internally, "Master, I thought I told you to not call me on such short notice." She said as she started to walk towards The Spirits and Such Consultation Office.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry, but this is a big deal!" Y/n could imagine her master flailing his hands around.
"I'll be right there." She flipped her phone shut and looked upwards at the sky. She stared at the clouds and started to make shapes out of them. That was her favorite thing to do, well— besides drinking milk and making dogs float.
When Y/n arrived at the Spirits and Such Consultation Office (which is a hell of a mouthful) she walked in and saw her master in front of a strange doll.
"Master?" Her soft voice called out and she tilted her head slightly, "What's that?"
"Ah, Mob! Look at this thing!" Reigen gestured her over. She obeyed and leaned down to look at it, "Its a haunted doll."
Y/n glanced at Reigen before blinking owlishly, "I don't feel anything from this doll, Master."
Reigen felt sweat drip down his forehead, "W-Well when you're as powerful as me, you tend to pick up on spirits that hide their presence well!" He flailed his hands around.
'Master must be really strong.' She thought and looked at him in pure awe. 'I hope to be strong like that one day.'
"Well then," He grabbed the doll and walked to the door, "Let's get you to practice."
"What?" She tilted her head again.
"Well, you said you can't feel it. So we'll go somewhere so you can practice. I know a place." Reigen smirked and pointed to himself with his thumb. By "place" he means a good ramen shop he heard about. He'd been dying to go and he needed a solid excuse. "There's supposed to be spirits all around there."
Y/n nodded and followed him, "Oh, Master. I do need to go back to school after. I have the Body Improvement club to attend." She let out a ghost of a smile at a certain memory of her being thrown up in the air by the guys in the club because she gained a little muscle. "I've been improving a lot."
Reigen smiled, "That's good. We'll take care of this first— Mob?" Reigen looked back when he realized his student was beside him. He saw Y/n standing there, just looking at a dark alleyway.
"Master, do you feel that?" She didn't look away, but her voice carried concern.
"Well when you're as powerful as me, you tend to not feel weak spirits." Reigen waved his hands around again in panic.
"Then you really are strong..."
"Because that spirit is far from weak." She finished with her hands tightening around her bag strap.
Reigen's eyes widened and he looked toward the alleyway. He walked closer to it and squinted. It was so dark he couldn't see three feet past the darkness. He had to agree that there was something eerie about it.
"W-Well maybe it's just a— HAHHH HOHOHOHOOOO!" He got sucked into the alleyway right in front of Y/n.
"Master!" She screamed and reached out her hand. She barely missed his and she saw him get hurled towards the darkness and eventually disappearing from her sight. "No!"
"Master—" Her hair blew forward as the wind picked up. She dug her feet into the sidewalk, creating a crack in the concrete. Her Salt Middle School uniform blew forward. She had no problem staying where she was, but her master was gone!
He slipped right from her. If only she would've reached her hand out sooner or warn him.
Y/n took a deep breath and relaxed her feet, and as soon as she did, the wind sucked her into the darkness of the alleyway. She couldn't see anything but a bit of gray swirling around in the darkness. 'A portal?'
Her eyes widened, what was going to happen? Was she going to die? Would she ever see her little brother again? What about Tsubomi or her parents? Hanazawa would miss her, and Serizawa would be devastated.