Scarred For Life

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*One week has passed*

Lily was kept in the hospital for a week, she was glad to be arriving home. When she walked through the front door, Grandpa, Marilyn and Eddie were about to shout 'WELCOME HOME!' but they were shocked at what they saw. Their once beautiful relative was burnt, they just stood there, staring. Lily's self-confidence plummeted, she felt her heart break again. "What's wrong with your face, mother?" Eddie asked. "Eddie, go to your room right now!" Marilyn pointed in the direction of the stairs. "NO!" Eddie crossed his arms. "GO NOW!" Marilyn yelled. Eddie had never seen Marilyn this angry before, he was actually a bit frightened of her, Eddie slowly backed away. Marilyn hugged Lily, "You're not ugly, you're gorgeous." "No I'm not... You heard Eddie." Lily sobbed into Marilyn's shoulder. "He's only a young boy, he doesn't know any better. You are still as pretty as you were a week ago." Marilyn smiled. Lily tried to smile but she couldn't, "Where's your Uncle?" Lily asked Marilyn. "He's upstairs in your bedroom." Lily let go of hugging Marilyn, she walked to her and Herman's bedroom. Lily stopped outside the door and knocked three times. "Who is it?" Herman's voice came from inside the room, it sounded like he was crying. "It's Lily. Can I come in?" "Yeah..." Lily opened the door to find Herman sitting at Lily's mirror, looking at her jewellery. The room smelt of Lily's favourite perfume, "Herman, I'm sorry." Lily apologised for no reason. "Why are you apologising?" Herman didn't look up, "I should be the one apologising, I've scarred you for life. I'm the worst husband ever. You should have someone better... Someone like Gomez." Herman sighed. Lily didn't know what to say, she did not think Herman was the worst husband ever. But she knew how Gomez treated Morticia, he treated her like she was Royalty. He was always getting her gifts and kissing her, Lily always wanted a man who treated her like that. Even when she was little she always dreamed of finding her Prince so she could be a Princess, she wanted to wear tiaras and long beautiful dresses. Not get her face burnt, she wanted to pack her things and leave Herman at that very moment. But she could not bring herself to do it. She sat down on the bed, "Do you want to sit beside me?" She asked. Herman nodded, he dragged himself out for the chair and onto the bed. Lily rapped her arms around Herman. "What're you doing?" He asked her. She kissed him, "I'm an idiot, Herman. I can't stop loving you, but I hate you!" She kissed him again. Herman took off Lily's dress, she was now wearing nothing but her undergarments. Lily took off Herman's jacket and shirt, then Herman lay Lily down on the bed. He undone his belt and pulled down his trousers.


Lily woke up to find she was lying on the bed, she didn't feel well. She sat up and looked at the clock, it read: 2:51 AM. Lily bent over and threw up, she felt dizzy. She looked behind her back to find Herman fast asleep. Lily lay back down and faced Herman, she stroked his cheek. She remembered what Herman had done to her, she turned the other way and cried. Herman woke up and put his arm around Lily's waist, "What's up Lil?" Herman whispered. "Lil? Since when do you call me Lil?" "Since last night, you told me to call you Lil." "I don't remember saying that." Lily didn't remember anything from last night. Herman laughed then kissed Lily, he turned her around of her back and got on top of her, "Herman get off, I'm not in the mood." Lily pushed Herman off and sat up. "What's wrong? You were all for it last night." Herman started kissing her neck. "Will you stop talking about last night. I don't even remember what happened." Herman did not stop kissing her to speak, he just kissed all the way down her spine. Herman finally stopped then said, "Your spine sticks out, have you been eating properly?" Herman lifted Lily up and set her on his lap, he wrapped his arms around Lily's stomach, "Of course I've been eating properly." "Okay, I believe you Lil..." 

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