Chapter 7

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Cody's P.O.V.

I was in the library looking for a book. I thought about yesterday when I found my match. I didn't even get her name.

She was really beautiful though. I could never forget her.But she knew something. After our necklaces clicked together,she ran away.

She knows something about the necklaces that others don't know.

I found the book I was looking for."The history of the necklaces."Just as I got the book out, I turned to see that purple haired girl I saw yesterday.She had a shocked look on her face and was looking straight at me.

She walked up to me and asked,"Are you going to read that book now,because I was planning on reading it".

I could see she really wasn't happy to see me."Well,then why don't you read it with me?"I asked her.

She blushed slightly."Ok."She replied.We sat at the nearest table. I opened the book and started to read.

"The necklace system is one of the best systems ever invented in human history."I read on,"It was created after world war 3.People at that age learned to hate more and not love.People gained this hate after realizing that it was not guaranteed to find love.We created this system so it was guaranteed.That would promise no war in this more civilized society."

I was shocked. I turned the page when a piece of paper fell out."What's this?"the girl asked while picking it up."I don't know."I replied.

"It's completely blank".She said."Wait,give it to me."I asked.She gave it to me and I pointed it towards the light."It's a map". I told her."A map!You're a genius."She told me.

"What do you think it leads to?"I asked her."We'll see when we're at the end of the road."She said."Did you just say we?"I asked her."Ya, I guess I did".She said while smiling at me.

"So why do you need me?"I asked her."Don't tell anyone,"She said."But I'm trying to stop the necklace system.So I'll need some help".

"But why are you trusting me out of all people?"I asked

"Because you and I have something in common"she said while holding up her necklace.

"Well then what's the plan?"I asked again.

She replied,"First we answer these questions,"she held up a notebook with Questions on it."And that should lead us to where we need to go.So we've already answered the first question."

She was about to cross the question out when I suddenly stopped her.

"I don't think this first question is fully answered". I said while showing her the map.

"We'll find  where it leads to tomorrow."she said confidently."We'll meet outside school when school is over"

"Ok, but I still don't know your name"I said to her.

"Caley".She said while holding out her hand.

"Cody". I said while shaking her hand.

"Bye,Cody"She said while running off.
"Bye,Caley". I said while waving at her.Her name was as beautiful as herself.

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