Chapter 2

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I sat up. My heart beat against my ribcage. I looked around the room, holding my hand to my chest. I was alone. No one was here. It was all a dream. It had to be.

I rubbed my arms and legs. It was freezing in here. I went to the window to find it open and pushed it down, blocking the incoming breeze. I looked down at my clothes. No wonder I was freezing, I was only in my bathrobe. Which reminded me...

I went to the bathroom and dropped the robe. I pushed the shower curtain to the side. I leaned over to the faucet and turned the knob. Hot water poured from the showerhead. I slowly turned the cold handle until it was just right.

I stepped into the shower, letting the water fall on my body. I imagined all the dirt and grime falling off my skin. I turned to reach for the bar of soap.

A sharp, searing pain hit my upper back. Instinctively, I jumped out of the way of the water. My back burned, right under my neck. "Shit, what is that?" I asked myself. The water wasn't that hot.

I quickly turned off the water and jumped out of the shower. I pulled my hair over my shoulder to the side. I turned my back to face the mirror and looked at the reflection.

A deep cut in the shape of an X leaked blood over my back. I screamed in horror. It was black, outlined by red, irritated skin. It looked like it was in the process of growing a protective scab. Where the hell is that from? A loose drop of water dripped onto the X and I winced.

My eyes closed, a memory returned to me. Harry on top of me. Our bodies vulnerable. "Shh, it'll only hurt a bit. I promise." That burning sensation. But that couldn't be it. A human could never do that with his finger. A human couldn't... What about a god?

No! I was thinking crazy. Harry or Louis or whoever wasn't a god. He was an odd character in my dreams. A figment if my imagination. But that didn't explain the large, awful cut in my back. I ran to the hallway closet and yanked it open. I reached for the medicine kit and ran back to the bathroom.

I ripped open the box, scrambling for a bandaid big enough. I found a decent sized one, usually used for knees, and squirted a large blob of antibiotic ointment on the padded part. I awkwardly stuck it on my back, over the intense cross. I winced in pain as the cream fell onto it.

I needed help. I rushed to my closet, pulling out a simple T-shirt with the English flag on it and overall shorts. I pulled on a pair of cowboy boots and headed out the door. It wasn't exactly the most fashionable outfit, but now wasn't the time for that.

I headed over to my best friend's house. She'd know what to do. And she always found a reasonable explanation for the craziest of things. She was my last and only hope.

When I reached her house I knocked hard on the door. It opened shortly.

"Hey, what's up?" she asked, inviting me in. I stepped inside. "You okay?" I shook my head.

"Not really."

"What's wrong? First one-night stand not pleasing?" I looked at her with wide eyes.

"What?" She sighed.

"I know it was your first. It's alright, don't be ashamed. One-night stands are supposed to be meaningless." Did I actually... Harry... Louis? No, it couldn't be. She had to be joking. Or maybe only the waking up part was a dream. That was probably it.

"No, it was fine. I'm here because... I need you to look at something." She looked at me with scared eyes and nodded.

"What is it?" I turned around and lowered the back of my shirt, showing the bandaid. "That's huge. How bad did you hurt yourself?"

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