Chapter 1: Do it

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Ryuko's POV
I went back to sleep after seeing and feeling that strange bump. The dream was bothering me. I could care less if it were just the man and I running or something like that, but that sentence is what ticks me off. Every 30 minutes of sleep, I had the same dream... Senketsu... Was it really Senektsu? What he was saying... It would be things that Senketsu would say because of what happened about 4 days ago...? I can't even keep track of the days... These dreams give me hope, but for what?

1) "I never left, Ryuko."
2) "I wasn't only in your heart.."
3) "But I am the life fiber in your heart--"
4) "We are one, but soon we won't be any longer."

'We are one, but soon we won't be any longer.' What does it mean?! I start biting my nails, pull my hair a little, and breathe unevenly and impatiently.

-Mako: "Ryuko chan? It's 5:15, calm down..." She says, not detaining me at all. "RYUKO CHAN I SAID STOP!" She pulls my hands away and makes my eyes glance at her. At the sight of her worry, I try to calm down and succeed. Mako could always calm me down, her cute voice and touch meant so much to me.

-Ryuko: "I'm sorry for waking you up Mako..." I avert my look around the room and see a sudden light turn on. Great... everyone's awake because of my craziness.

-Barazo: "Ryuko chan, are you getting fatter?" He said with such a curious and worried expression. "It's just... You haven't been eating so whatever that is, impossible for it to be fat..." He then turned the home into the Vally Doctor office and everyone was running around. "Shall we check it out?" He starts to lift my shirt while Mako's brother was having a nosebleed along with her father. We could just say that my action was non-polite. I kick his perverted face instantly.


-Barazo: "BUT RYUKO--" Then Mako's mother started to kick the boys out. Making the right decision, I sigh simply. Once they're out, she walks back in to check it out without saying a word until she sees it.

-Sukuyo: "Ryuko... Are you pregnant sweety? Who's the lucky man? Is it Mr. Mikisugi? Or is it his friend with the mohawk? No I think it's the teacher." Mako agrees with her while my face was turning red because of my annoyance.

-Ryuko: "I'VE BEEN ALONE THIS WHOLE YEAR! Don't assume I'm with somone..." I say, my anger dying down slowly.

The bump was even bigger than earlier and she was observing it because it was getting bigger by the minute... Literally.

-Mako: "Well if Ryuko chan is lonely then what is it? PAPA COME SEE THIS!" She shouts before he enters the room with paper on his bloody nose as well as her kid brother.

Mako's father started to look and look and look but seemed rather confused. The first person I thought of for help was Mikisugi, he can explain this. I stand up and sigh.

-Ryuko: "I'm going to look for answers about this elsewhere, I think I have some clues... I'm gonna take the family car down to Mikisugi." I start hoping that Mako won't want to come along as she always does. I had the need to do this alone...

-Mako: "ROAD TRIP WITH RYUKO CHAN ROAD TRIP~" Of course... I thought, there's no saying no to her so I won't fight it.

At 7:00 am me and Mako were ready to go, we took extra clothes to stay with Mikisugi just in case and the drive is about 2 hours back to Nudist beach. They're probably finishing packing up the place because it really doesn't have a purpose anymore since we conquered Life fibers. We say our goodbyes to the family but before leaving, Mako's mom gave me extra food that'll make me "cheer up" and have extra energy to not fall asleep while driving.

Mako's POV
I noticed my singing always made Ryuko laugh so I started to sing random things to feel the time go faster and if Ryuko would feel better. I made her smile a bit, that brought me much joy but she was thinking and thinking, spacing out. I decide that I should finally interrupt it.

-Mako: "Oy Ryuko chan~ what do you think that bumpy thingy is huh?"

-Ryuko: "I...don't really understand myself what it is. I don't know if you noticed but the piece of cloth is Senketsu's main life fiber string, so that means he's still alive but attached to me somehow, we're like one now. Thats my prediction, we'd have to see what Mikisugi thinks. I also had four same... Never mind." She stops suddenly at the words same. I want to know but if she wants to keep it private, I'll have to respect it. We were already driving for an hour so we start to eat the snacks momma gave us, well not we... More like me. Ryuko seemed too sad to eat, she had energy to drive because of the food but other than that, the food didn't do anything else for her to have energy for. To remove the sad silence I turn on the radio and felt interested at the words.

-Radio man#1: "--the girl's name is Ryuko Matoi but some people are saying she really is Ryuko Kiryuin since she's Ragyo Kiryuin's daughter and Satsuki Kiryuin's sister. Some people call her a hero for liberating us from the Life fibers, others say that we should in-prison such a dangerous girl because she has life fibers in her body, and others say that she took away what we protected ourselves with that were Life fiber clothing. What do you think Sado-kun?"

-Mako: "OY RYUKO CHAN! They're talking about you!"

-Radio man#2: "To be honest, I agree with the three opinions. But my main is definitely that she saved us! I mean c'mon our people were getting devoured by the clothing. But she didn't do it alone, they say that she talked to her kamui alot. If I'm correct this kamui is called Senketsu? She and the clothing were fighting side by side in everything and I also heard that she took this clothing as if it were her one true love. I really don't understand how she could speak with it but--" Ryuko turned off the radio abruptly.

-Ryuko: "Moron." She said so quietly, I almost didn't hear her.

We arrived at Nudist Beach and jump into the pool to get to the base. When we arrive, the place was dead. We then enter the room where he was teaching us about Senketsu and her father, and there was Mikisugi and Mohawk guy.

-Mako: "OY MIKISUGI SENSEI!" Aikuro then changes his form into a teacher.

-Mikisugi: "Oh Mako chan, Ryuko kun, Ryuko... You seem..." Ryuko started to take off her shirt and started to point at the bump. "Woah how straight foward but not here sweetheart."

-Ryuko: "What the hell is this bump thats giving me weird dreams about some human form Senketsu?!" He changed into his original form (Nudist beach appearance) and started to touch it and look at it well, Ryuko was getting massive redness on her cheeks.

-Mikisugi: "Touching it I can tell its Senketsu's main life fiber. I didn't imagine it would happen so quickly..." Ryuko grabbed his neck collar and brought his face inches away from hers aggressively.

-Ryuko: "What would happen so quickly?!" She shouts, her voice sounding desperate.

-Mikisugi: "Matoi said this was going to happen if Senketsu were to officially 'die' but he isn't gone. He said that his main life fiber was going to be the thread of his reincarnation, not into clothing but into something else. Which he didn't have the chance to tell me... Wait...what--" She then lets go of his collar and looks away from him.

-Ryuko: "You bastard. When were you planning on explaining this to me! I could have prepared myself! If he were to reincarnate, my sadness was worthless. I was trying to move on from something that wasn't even reality..."

-Mikisugi: "I wasn't sure if it were going to occur... But now you know." He says as he sweat drops. He must feel relieved that was the only reaction he received from Ryuko. "Well he didn't get the chance to tell me what he was going to reincarnate in but, he did tell me the bump would grow into a ball that had to be taken out or else you would have to go through the process of a baby. If we take it out it will grow on its own in a skin sack, your skin." Ryuko starts twitching at the words.

-Ryuko: "Do it now." She growls.

-Mikisugi: "But Ryu--"

-Ryuko: "JUST DO IT!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :c

- (AnimeFanficPlus)
1500 words {edited}

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