Chapter 3: Much to take in

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Sorry for taking a while uploading, laziness always wins x.x. Enjoy!
Satsuki's POV
About a week or two have passed since Ryuko, the others and I go our seperate ways. For some reason, these days I notice that Gamagoori is using his phone constantly. He doesn't really have friends so I find it a bit suspicious but I ignore it, either way its none of my business since I'm not their superior anymore. Though they still act like it. I was sitting in a high chair drinking tea and staring at the gorgeous Junketsu. I can't help but feel incomplete that I'm not with Ryuko. Though even if she was here it would still feel incomplete because Senketsu was a part of her that also died with her that day. I want to see my little sister again, and also the one she loved most... Senketsu. I felt someone's presence behind me, I closed my eyes and sigh.

-Satsuki: "You're wrong if you believe you could sneak up on me... May I ask who?" I couldn't recognize this person, though I feel as if I know who it is but has changed. I swear I had it on the tip of my tongue who this was.

-???: "Tch, you don't recognize me? That hurts big sis." My closed eyes open quickly and I blink many times. I set my tea on the table in front of me, stand and stare at the person I hold most dear, even if I found out who she really was about a month ago. I tried to act strict as I was before because I noticed myself that I have softened a bit.

-Satsuki: "What are you doing here, Matoi?" I look at her with eyes saying 'I'm so happy you're here' but my mouth not saying it. She sees right through me of course.

-Ryuko: "Tch, 'nice to see you Ryuko' I know you wanted to say that honestly but can't because of course you are THE Satsuki Kiryuin. But as a favor I'll respond like you say it, well it is great to see you as well onee chan." She grabs a chair and sits next to me. She looks behind us and signals me to do something. I look back and see the elite four behind me just staring at Ryuko like an alien so I signal them to leave us.

-Satsuki: "Soroi, if you're so polite please bring Miss Matoi a cup of your fine tea." He bows and starts serving her a cup. "So, what brings you to your sister?" I start being delicate again just by staring at her, not staring down her, just...staring saying in my head 'She can be hard headed but I can't not say that she is terrible'

-Ryuko: "I have news, you probably won't believe them." She starts drinking her tea but I can't change my confused face. "Wanna know already? Yeah you do, Senketsu's back. Sheesh now to have him annoying on my back again is a pain in the ass." She obviously lies. I knew she wanted him on her back again, she misses how annoying he got. I know because her lips begin stretching across her face looking down at her drink, a smile. My face changed from confused to shock, to happiness. I put my tea down and hug her, putting her head on my shoulder. When she realizes my kindness, she hugs me back. I don't know how he's here once again but I'm just happy to see her smile.

-Satsuki: "But... You're not wearing him...?" I let go of her and her smile gets bigger, her hand goes high, she takes out two fingers signaling something. I look around to see Mako, Mikisugi, and an usual looking child. A kid that has about 12 years or something with black and red hair. Senketsu?

-Ryuko: "It's exactly what you're thinking. That annoying kid over there is Senketsu." I saw him open his mouth, like he was speaking but nothing came out, no sound at all. I look at Ryuko and see that she nods. "He can still only speak to me even if he has a human body. He asked if you were Satsuki, the one he came to meet." My eyes widened at the sight of Senketsu, he had one eye patched exactly like the clothing and the other one red, orange and yellow. I was speechless, only one thing came out of my mouth.

-Satsuki: "How...?" I touched his 'skin' and it was as soft as a piece of cloth, he had real hair. He looked so much like Ryuko but in a little boy, is it because they have the same DNA? I wonder...
She starts explaining to me everything, the days, the feelings. Everything. I look back but only see Uzu and Houka. "Where are the others?"

-Uzu: "You should find out for yourself, you wouldn't believe me if I told you." He smirks. "Now hurry up and finish speaking. MATOI LETS FIGHT, I'LL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU THIS TIME!" Ryuko puts her tea down and points MY blade at Uzu, I didn't notice until I heard Uzu yell "LETS DO THIS!" I stomp and look down at everyone.

-Satsuki: "Find the others now! Uzu you don't stand a chance but until then no one shall fight." I was about to sit down until Houka brings out his laptop out of his sleeve and opens the zipper for his mouth to show.

-Houka: "We already have them under our watch, I just thought it was gross and no one's business." I look at camera #1 that has audio and hear Mikisugi and Nonon fighting 'This is Nudist beach uniform darling, I'm sorry I can't change it... love it don't you' while Nonon keeps saying without any emotion nor expression and fast 'You need to get ahold of yourself and wear something before I vomit and if I vomit it will be all over you so atleast you'll have something covering your gross skinny body' she had a finger pointing at her tongue and looking at the other direction.

Meanwhile in camera #2 I see and hear Mako yelling and jumping on Gamagoori's lap at the same time saying 'YO GAMAGOORI LETS GO SEE WHATS HAPPENING BACK AT THAT ROOM, I WANNA SEE LADY SATSUKI'S REACTION WHEN SHE SEES THE AMAZING SENKETSU' She says very loud and quickly. He is saying on the other hand with his head lower to see Mako in the same level ' I really want to tell you something before we enter and you leave' He says low and his eyes are looking away, he's also blushing.

-Satsuki: "I see. Well that is settled, Uzu, Ryuko, you shall do whatever you want at the battle grounds. Houka inform the others that there will be a stick battle at 3:00 to the others." I stand and walk away with my tea in hand.

Senketsu's POV
\time skip 3:05/
Ryuko won the battle already while Uzu sits on the floor with his eyebrows crunched, arms crossed and a stick next to him broken in half. I couldn't help but yell saying "RYUKO YOU'RE AWESOME!" Even if she was the only one that could hear me, I thought that was enough. I look at myself in the mirror everyday and see that I grow more and more each hour or day. I love it when Ryuko bathed me. I didn't really recognize anyone except her, like if she was the only one that really mattered to me. The day I started speaking to Ryuko was when she explained to me what had happened, everything since 7 months ago. I was suprised, we were practically one and stood for each other, protected each other.

I look at her and feel like strings in my belly being played like an inner guitar. I don't know what it was but I shook it off when I talked to her. I was taught sign language to speak with others, but they also needed to learn sign language. I went to Aikuro when I was confused about how my chest and belly felt when I spoke to her, he told me that it was called 'love'. I still don't understand well but I can say what it is.

I've learned very fast things about life, I think my memories are coming back as well from when I was clothing. The memories that never left were the ones I shared with Ryuko, I learned that I could tell Ryuko that I love her but I'm going to wait for when I'm bigger and older. According to Aikuro, if I tell her now it would be weird so I'll wait, he said that I can wait about a week or two to tell her. We said our goodbyes to Satsuki and the others. Before leaving, she came to me and spoke. I tried to understand everything by reading her lips.

-Satsuki: "You're everything to Ryuko. She's survived this long because of your relationship so don't waste it. Love her in my place as well for not being there, though I truly will always be there... so is dad." I understood perfectly what she said and nodded since I think she doesn't know how to speak in sign language but that's okay. We left after that. In the car, I fall asleep but the last thing I wished was that in a week I would be able to tell her.
Satsuki will always be my favorite character even if Ryuko is stronger, she's bae <3.

1615 words {edited}

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