Chapter 10: Uncle...

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Ryuko's POV
Its been two days since the incident, and Satsuki hasn't gotten better at all since then. I've been sleeping in the same room as her, not leaving her side. It hurts so much to see her like this...she's been sleeping for more than 10 hours, she wakes up for about 2 hours and goes back to sleep. Usually the room had only us two, I didn't want anyone else in here unless it was Mikisugi treating her.

I noticed that the one visiting her the most was Uzu. Senk told me yesterday that he hasn't been eating since she got in bad shape. The hours I spend in the room with her make me think and think about why the hell did they come back for us...revenge? If it is because of that, they're really pathetic.

I have a feeling I'm going to end up wearing my Senketsu Kisaragi form...I hated that freaking yellow form. I looked like a butterfly for crying out loud! The form made me so uncomfortable....and...the memories. They make me so indignant and sorrowful. I don't want to lose Senketsu again, not only Senk but Satsuki now as well!

Those bitches should have never come back... Speaking of which, how did they even come back? Now Ragyo is like Nui, a life fiber. The only person I believe can do such a thing is... Iori? Satsuki's old goku uniform maker? I can't jump to conclusions, but I'm going to have to follow him to see if he goes anywhere suspicious. Like sneaking out to visit Ragyo and Iun. But I can't do that until Satsuki is better... I'll just send Senk. I'm on a chair next to my sister's bed. I start to get up, open the exiting door and slide out. I go to the backyard, looking for Senk and finding him there training with Gamagoori. He's been training nonstop since the battle, preparing himself.

-Ryuko: "Senk, I need to talk to you about something important." He stops immediately his training and comes to me instantly rising his eyebrow. Turning from Shippu, to normal.

-Senketsu: "Please tell me Satsuki is okay..." He looks down and a soft smile fills my face because of his worry for my sister.

-Ryuko: "Hey don't be such a baby, she's fine. I wanted to talk to you about something else." I say as my hand lands on his cheek gently. "C'mon." He follows me and signals Gamagoori a time-out, receiving a nod from him. Once we get inside, in a private room, I quickly say my prediction. He keeps asking me if I'm sure, to not make any mistakes. "Senk of course I'm not sure, why do you think I'm sending you to find out? I just don't want any bastard being a bastard to my sister! I swear if he is I'm going to--"

-Senketsu: "Ryuko! C'mon baby calm down. If he really is doing what you THINK he's doing then I'll help you kick his ass but we need to find out for sure. I'll start to follow him tomorrow while you don't leave Satsuki's side." He says simply before his face drops slowly. "But I kinda feel uncomfortable that I can't stay here and protect you if they come back..." He looks down and I scrunch my eyebrows. Protect me?

-Ryuko: "As cute as that sounds you're making me sound weak. Get a damn grip and know who you're speaking to." I turn around and walk away from him.

\One day later/

Senketsu's POV
I asked Gamagoori yesterday about Iori's schedule, he questioned me but I gave him the excuse about me wanting a goku. He comes here everyday at 10:00 a.m and leaves at 3:00 p.m. I don't think I'm going to stay over here tonight since I have a feeling that he visits them late at night. I packed a bag with clothes and some money for a hotel. Its 2:00 right now. I gave everyone the excuse that I'm visiting Mako and her family without Ryuko because she wants to stay with Satsuki. I signaled her that I'm leaving and she nodded without saying a word. I left now like that, and Iori didn't notice me leaving at the same time as him. I was waiting outside, not letting anyone know that I was here. An hour passed which I didn't realize, until I spot him walking out and looking around as if checking if someone was watching him. He pulls out his phone and later puts it on his ear. I lean in, not too much to be noticed, to listen carefully.

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