You know what you come to Wattpad for; we know what you come to Wattpad for. You log on every day to escape into your favorite stories.
Ad Skips lets you do just that. It's simple: Watch video ads in bulk to skip them later, so you can dig deep into your favorite worlds and stay immersed in the story longer.
That's 3 video ads skipped for every ad you watch! 🙌
Getting started is easy: tap, earn, and skip!
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🏠 Navigate to your Home screen on the Wattpad app
🎁 Tap the gift icon to head over to theRewards Center
⏯️ Under the Earn tab, tap Ad Skips.
Here, you can watch ads and bank Ad Skips, which will add to your balance, for future use while reading.
Now available worldwide on the iOS app and in select countries on the Android app, including Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, and Sweden.
Skip the ads, stay in your reading flow, and get back to your story faster.
Happy uninterrupted reading!
- Wattpad HQ
P.S. If you're on an Android device and don't see your country in the list above, watch this space for announcements on when Ad Skips expands to your area.