Chapter Two: How about this one?

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When we pulled up to school I got out along with them. When they got out Jason put his arm around Emma and we walked into school together.

We all said farewells and went our separate ways. As I opened my locker I got my books for class. I then closed my locker.

Once I got to math class- I'm sometimes the only one- I sat down as people began coming in. As that happened I just tried falling asleep.

I was about to fall asleep but the room went quiet and I heard someone approach my desk. I opened my eyes to see Finn, Jeremy, and Spencer.

"Hey, move." Spencer said to the three people surrounding me.

"May I help you?" I ask Jeremy. Let me remind you again, these are the most popular guys in school.

"Yeah," Finn said so I glance at him. "Wanna come to my party on Friday? It's going to end all the parties of the year." Ok, this is a dream right? I never wanted to ever socialize with the populars because, your business becomes the whole schools business.

"Sorry I'm busy that night." I lied.

"I know your lying." Jeremy said bluntly. I was saved by the bell. The three then took off to their regular seats as the teacher came in.


It was lunch and I was meeting
Emma and Jason at our table. Once we got our food we sat down.

They started doing couple stuff like feeding pudding. "Here comes the airplane." Emma cooed.

"Can you guys get a room?" I said with a grossed out look on my face.

"But, this is a room." Jason said smirking. That's one thing I like about him, he's cocky.

"You know what I mean." I said playfully glaring at them. I then took a bite of my cheese burger.

Emma and me became best friends in first grade. She has strait blonde hair, hazel eyes with gold speckles, and a tan skin. She always experiments with fashion and she made a mistake when she pierced her nose. I don't know how her dads allow her to do what she does.

Then in second grade we met Jason. Jason has light brown hair, green eyes with mixed colored speckles, and fair skin. He on the other hand has these thick black glasses.

They didn't start going out until eighth grade when I sent them on a blind date. I just thought they would like each other; they practically told me they had a crush on each other. It just needed to happen soon.

"Well, maybe we want the school to see our love." Emma said as she took a sip of the caramel frappuccino she bought from the schools Starbucks.

"Well maybe some people don-" I was cut off by a squeal. I just sighed. Our other bestie Anna came rushing towards us.

Anna has long wavy hair. She originally had dirty blonde hair, but she reverse ombred it. So it's dirty blonde at the top and brown at the bottom. She also has pasty white skin and dark blue eyes. She is a girly nerd. She only wears the color pink, but is crazy smart.

"O.M.G. How could you not tell us River!" She said sliding next to me.

"About?" I said as I dipped my french fry in ranch. I then took a sip of my Baja Blast.

"How could you not tell us about Finn's party on Friday after graduation!" She said sitting down with her Mac n Cheese.

Jason and Emma had their moths open. "What I said no." I said shrugging as I was about to take a bit of my burger. Then Emma smacked it out of my hands. It landed on the floor with a splat! I just frowned at my burger. It was my favorite. A cheese burger on a pretzel bun, with ketchup, American cheese, and cooked medium rare.

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