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At the picnic table, Mikyou was eating her lunch suspiciously. It's been ten minutes, but her friend couldn't stop grinning. Even though she's happy to see her friend like this, the black-haired girl is still worried about her. Carefully, she pinched her blonde-haired friend's arm.

"Ouch!" Mina looked around for the source of her pain, only to see her friend gazing at her sharply. "Kyou, did you just pinch me?"

"I had my reason," Mikyou said indifferently, "you were smiling from ear to ear. I thought your face would be stuck in that way forever."

"Really?" Her friend was surprised but quickly brushed it off, saying, "Never mind. I will forgive you this time."

Her tune didn't convince her at all. It only made her feel goosebumps because of her friend's calmness.

"You seemed happy, did something happen?" Mikyou asked while her arms protected her shivering body from the invisible cold.

"Yeah..." Mina smiled shyly while fidgeting, "I made a new friend today."

"Oh," the green-eyed girl relieved, "that's why. Thank goodness, I thought you were possessed by a random ghost."

"Hey, isn't that a little bit mean?"

Mikyou smiled and said, "And... You're back."

"Hmmph!" Her friend pouted and ate her half-finished lunch, "I wished Momi would scold you when she's here."

"Who do I need to scold?"

Mina and Mikyou turned around to see the brunette girl arriving behind them.

"Momi, welcome back," the owner of the blue eyes beamed.

"I'm back," Momiji said while sitting across them, "I apologize for my lateness. There are so many things that the student council needs to do before the next president takes over."

"That sounds bothersome to me," Mikyou commented bluntly.

"You're right," The magenta eyes softened, "but it's one of my duties after all. So, I needed to finish it like I usually did."

Mina complimented, "I see. I am glad that you will be our president, Momi."

"Stop it," she chuckled while opening her lunch box, "I told you it is not decided yet."

"Momi, you are our vice president. Isn't it weird if you're not elected to be the president?" the blue eyes blinked as she put one of the side-dishes into her mouth.

"Not if the school allowed people from outside of the council to participate in the election."

"So, anyone can be a president?" Mina asked with sparkling eyes.

"Maybe? The election involved students and teachers' voting, so..." Momiji stopped eating while looking down and said, "It will be a hard battle for me."

Realizing that her friend's mood has become gloomy, Mikyou patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry, pals. "You can do it," she told her confidently.

"Yeah!" Mina raised her thumb and said, "You already have two votes from us. Break your leg properly, Momi."

"Thank you, Kyou and Mina. I won't let your votes be wasted."

The atmosphere between them became lighter, then someone broke the silence.

"Forget the election," Mina put down her lunchbox, "I have something to tell you, Momi."

"What is it?" The brunette tilted her head curiously.

The blonde girl's eyes sparkled, "Do you remember Uzumaki Kareina?"

"The girl who sits in front of me, right?"

"Yes," Mina nodded with excitement, "I get to be her friend!"

"Congratulations," Momiji returned with her smile, "I hope you will introduce her to us soon."

"Thanks!" Mina beamed with a grin.

Suddenly, Mikyou spoke up while staring at the other side.

"Speaking of them, isn't that her?"

Both Mina and Momiji looked in the same direction. She was right, there was Kareina, who was talking to a boy with red hair and bronze eyes. They're sitting side by side on the picnic bench. Their closeness made Mina curious about them.

"Who is he?"

"That's Akazaki Akito from our class," Momiji answered while eating her rice, "he's one of the candidates for election. He refused it because of personal reasons."

Mikyou snickered, "I bet he's just not interested in that."

The vice president of the council raised one of her eyebrows, "Kyou, do you know him?"

"Well, I was asked to recruit him by the football club because of his skill. Surprise, surprise, he refused it too."

"Really?" The magenta eyes widened, "What was his reason?"

"He only sees football as a hobby," the black-haired girl sighed, "I guess I have to invite his bait first."

The blue eyes looked confused, "His bait?"

"Your new friend."

"Wait, what?!" It's the blue eyes' turn to be shocked.

Mikyou stopped eating and said, "You didn't hear the rumor?"

Mina shook her head, "What rumor?"

"The rumor that they know each other better than friends," Momiji said nonchalantly.

"Gosh... That's unbelievable," the blonde-haired girl scoffed, "I'm disappointed that you two believed it. It's just a rumor, y'know?"

"Don't blame us," The green-eyed girl chuckled, "They didn't even deny it so it's hard not to believe that rumor."


"Why don't you ask your new friend? She didn't mind that kind of question," the green eyes darted at the girl with ginger-blonde hair.

"Okay, okay. Iwill ask her," Mina gave in while standing up. "Ugh... This will beawkward..."

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