Chapter two

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Sabrina mused at the sunset setting in the distance, the sun shone so brightly here and she was worried this may be the last time she felt the sun's rays pulsate against her skin. The North was bitterly cold and she was not accustomed to adapting, she was used to wearing cut shorts and cropped shirts with knives around her belt, not insulating coats and boots. She held on to the fact that her sisters promised that it was not permanent, yet the knowledge that she would have to be a mother when she returned filled her with the upmost dread. She took her chestnut horse and rode back to her palace but naturally stopped off at the stables. She gleamed with delight when she saw Isaac, with his curly light brown hair and sun-kissed tan indicating that he was from the city of persia skin caring the horses with such a gentle delicate hand, he was a magician with horses and she was so glad that he was coming with her to the dreaded north. 'Both our last nights in Persia,' he said. 'I am so sorry that you have to come Isaac,  it is not fair I know, that you have to leave your home! just because of me, I feel so bad,' Sabrina said regretfully. 

'wherever you go, I go,' Isaac said with a warm smile 'wherever you are is home, I would be happy wherever you are, I have no family, your family were nice enough to hire me as a stable boy when I was orphaned, you are my only family so I would follow you to the end of westeros Sabrina,' 

Sabrina opened her arms and engulfed Isaac in a warm hug. 'I love you, I truly love you and It hurts that given our circumstances we cannot be together, but I will always love you,'. Her voice was sincere and Isaac looked at her with such love. 

'A stable boy could never be with a nobleman's daughter,' Isaac sighed. 

'Life sucks,' Sabrina shrugged.

'The worse thing will be when I see you with Jon Snow, that will hurt me a lot,' Isaac confessed.

'My heart will always belong to you not him, I will resent every second with him,' Sabrina said truthfully.

The dark night sky had come quickly and it was so dark. Sabrina rest her head on Isaac's shoulder. 

'The old philosophers used to say that the lord made each human attached to another human, a woman to a man but then one day they all seperated but a part of the other person lives in the soul of the person they were once attached to, the lucky ones find their soulmate, the unlucky ones do not,' 

'What are you saying?' Isaac asked. 

'I am saying that the lords did not separate us got lazy and did not separate us so far, making it much easier for us to find each other, i am lucky i found my soulmate when I was nine,' 

'Do you remember that day?' Isaac chuckled 'We were so young you tried to threaten me with your bloody knife throwing,'

'And you shit yourself with fear' Sabrina laughed. She then looked at Isaac and her smile faltered, she looked down 'I will marry Jon as soon as possible, he will then take my virginity, at the bedding ceremony' 

Isaac's eyes screwed up at the thought. 

'I don't want my first time to be with a man I hardly know...I want my first time to be with you,' She said this with embarrassment and couldn't look up to see his response. There was a pause that seemed to last a lifetime. 

'I want my first time to be with you too,' He said barely above a whisper, before Sabrina could process that information, Isaac's soft lips touched hers and their lips moved in sync, She opened her mouth to allow entrance to his tongue and she moaned in delight, before she knew it they both were on the floor of the stable and one by one each article of hers and his clothes were removed, Sabrina's eyes opened in delight as their bodies moved in sync perfectly just as if they were once one.   That moment filled her up with such immense joy she could not process her feeling of elation, she felt loved and happy. Once they were done, they lay on the floor full of hay and entwined their fingers together. A lit bit of blood tainted the stable ground, yes it hurt at first but then Sabrina was field with such pleasure she thought she had died and reached heaven. Isaac's scent lingered on her body and she felt warm, at home.

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