Chapter one

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'Put your sword up Bran!' Jon huffed whilst he was play fighting with wooden swords with his younger brother. 

'I'm awful at this!' Bran moaned. 

'You just need to work on it,' Jon said place a hand on his younger half-brothers shoulder. Bran nodded. 

'Atleast you are helping me, Robb won't,' Bran groaned.

'He will be the lord of Winterfell soon, he is also married, he is very busy,'  Jon said.

'Even Arya is better than me!' Bran groaned. 

'Sometimes I think she is better than me,' Jon laughed, Bran laughed aswell and ran to hug Jon. 

'Sansa told me an awful rumor about you, but I know it is not true,' Bran said. 

'What was this rumor?' Jon asked walking over to pick up the swords and put them away. 

'That you are planning to join the nights watch. I know its not true though, right?' 

Jon sighed and fell silent, Bran raised his eyebrow and fear washed over him. 

'You can't! Jon you can't! you have to have a family you're a stark you're- ' 

'I'm a bastard Bran, not a stark, there is no other life for a bastard, who would marry a bastard?' Jon sighed. 

Bran ran to hug Jon again, tears streaming down his face. As Bran was hugging him he looked up to the Winterfell Castle and he saw Catelyn stark on the balcony, glaring down at him as if it was a warning. He gently let go of Bran. She had never liked him and he had always been afraid of her. 

'I need to feed Ghost,' Jon said 

That evening as he ate away from his siblings as he was a bastard and not a true stark, he looked at them longingly as he sat with the less important people such as Theon Greyjoy the ward of winterfell. 

Theon was bragging to Jon about this girl he had shagged, every day Theon had a new woman who he would brag about. Jon had been with a girl once before, yet it didn't feel right whilst he was doing it, there was nothing special about it. Jon scrunched up his face in disgust as Theon described every single detail. 

'JON!!!!' Arya squealed running to Jon, he picked her up and hugged her gently. Catelyn was still glaring. 

'Me and Bran have come up with an extensive list as to why you can't leave for the wall-' Arya started.

'Arya..' Jon sighed, he kissed her cheeks and put her down. 

'What?' she pouted 'You are my favourite brother, Sansa says your not really my brother so i can't say that but you still are my favourite brother so you can't leave for the wall,' 

'Arya lets talk about this later, go back to your dinner I am sure it is getting cold,' Jon said. 

'Father wants to talk to you in his study, he asked me to call you,' Arya said skipping back. 

Jon's heart dropped, why did his father want to see him? As he walked across the dining room to leave he saw Robb and his wife Talisa kissing each other, the way they looked at each other was something special. There was nothing but pure love, he would never ever have that with anyone, this feeling made him feel cold inside. He knocked on his fathers door and waited anxiously until his father said 'Come in' 

He walked inside and took a seat, Ned gave him a loving smile. 

'My son,' He stated, Jon could not help but feel butterflies and beam with joy apon hearing this greeting.

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