Chapter six

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'Is that a direwolf?' Sabrina asked, her mouth hung apon as she approached the starks' evening time by the fireplace. 

 Sansa was sewing by herself. Arya was playing with Jon by play wrestling with him. Bran and Rickon had been punished for being apparantly rude at dinner so had retreated to the room. Robb and Talisa had gone for a walk.

Jon's direwolf Ghost was standing on the side minding its own business, but Sabrina was fascinated.

'Yes, he's mine..he's called ghost,' Jon said. 

'We all have direwolves, mine is called nymeria. She is the kennel  with all the other direwolves but for some reason Ghost stays with Jon all the time. He sleeps with him-'

'Okay, that's enough Arya,' Jon said blushing. 

'You all have dire wolves! how did you get them?' 

'We found them in the woods,' Jon said. He passed Sabrina the pup. 

'He is so tiny,' Sabrina said as she held the white direwolf in her hands. 

'He will grow fierce and big,' Jon said. 

'I didn't know they existed, its one of those things you don't believe until you see, oh my.' Sabrina said. 

Sabrina stroked him gently and he fell asleep softly in her arms. 

'Wow, he likes you,' Jon said surprised. 

'Why so surprised Jon Snow? I am a likeable person,' Sabrina said with a smirk. Jon laughed. 

'He's gorgeous, you are lucky, I guess it's true what they say,' Sabrina said. 

'What is that?' Arya asked. 

'Starks have wolf blood,' Sabrina said. 

'Yes we are fierce! its' our sigil,' Arya replied.

'Now you have wolves to protect you,' Sabrina said 'The starks are just getting stronger and stronger,' 

Jon noticed when she said this, her voice dampened and she did not know why. 

Arya started karate chopping in the air 

'Be quiet Arya!' Sansa shouted. Arya and Jon giggled. 

'My father used to say when the lone wolf dies, the pack survives,' Arya said. 

'Yes packs have to stay together,' Sabrina said, setting the direwolf down. The stark pack had to stay together as the Ardez pack had to stay together.

'I want to be a wolf, wolf's are never afraid,' Arya said jumping on the chair. 

'You are as dirty as a wolf so you are almost there,' Sansa said. 

'You are never afraid Arya,' Jon said. 

'I was afraid when you said you were leaving for the nights watch,' Arya said 

Sabrina raised her eyebrows 'You were?' 

Sabrina then realised that she was the reason he stayed, she was the reason Arya still was with her brother. 

'Celibacy? really?' Sabrina laughed, Jon laughed. 

'Believe it or not I don't live for sex,' Jon said. 

'You must be the only man in westeros,' Sabrina said. 

They both looked at each other and laughed. 

'It's a hard life the nights watch, protecting the realm from white walkers? or whatever they are called,' Sabrina laughed. 

'They do exist,' Jon said seriously. 

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