Chapter five

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'How's things going with Jon Snow,' Carmen said wriggling her eyebrows, Tiana, Maya, Carmen and Sabrina were sitting in the guest chamber of the winter fell tower. 

'I saw you two hitting it off, you flirt you,' Tiana teased 

'Shut up! I am the one having to marry him, don't tease me for trying to make it work...i don't know,' 

'It's just hilarious how you are actually finding him hot,' Maya laughed. 

'I don't!' Sabrina said angrily 'He means nothing to me, the starks mean nothing to us,'

Maya laughed 'I feel bad for you though, it is freezing here, we want the wedding to be soon so we can leave,' 

Carmen looked sympathetically at Sabrina 'We won't leave too soon though, I know you need our support,' 

Sabrina nodded 'It is making me anxious knowing I will be living here, alone with the starks,'

'Sharing a bed with Jon Snow, thats daunting aswell,' Maya said

'Shut up Maya,' Carmen hissed. 

Sabrina started breathing heavily ''I can handle this,' 

'Of course you can,' Tiana said 'Me and Maya were just discussing that Jon Snow is a very handsome man, he has the air about him, very attractive,' 

'But remember not to get too close, i mean it will just be harder when we take the starks down,' Maya said casually. Sabrina's heart dropped when she heard this, she forgot all about this. 


'But nothing!' Maya snapped. 

'You are asking me to do the impossible! it is easy for you because you will disappear from the north, I have to live with these people and then betray them?' Sabrina spat.

'You wil do this! It could of been any of us to do this, but father put you up for the marriage...he thought you would not find it difficult,' 

'really?' Sabrina said softly. 

Maya nodded. 'We are your sisters, we have always looked out for you, we are your blood your family, you have to do this for us, you owe nothing to the starks,' 

Sabrina knew this was true, her sisters had always looked out for her. They were there when she scraped her knee, gave her advice when she had her first kiss, they taught her achery and knife-throwing. She owed the most to Carmen who saved Isaac's life all those years ago. Carmen loved Sabrina, and cared for her dearly. 

'Carmen?' She asked. 

carmen nodded and kissed Sabrina on the forehead. 'My beautiful sister, my strong sister, I know you can do this, You don't need to worry about Jon mistreating you when we aren't here he is caring and loving, he won't hurt you,' 

'But what if he changes when I am his wife? Lots of people change like that...What if he changes when you leave?' Sabrina asked. 

'Not many people are lucky enough to have Jon Snow as a husband, he is truly respectful because of his father, you have nothing to worry about,' Maya said. 

If he is so great why should i betray him? Sabrina thought in her head. She hated this strain and pressure she had from her family, how she was faced with such immorality and could do nothing about it. She was stuck in a genuine dilemma, she thought the mix of emotions would kill her. 

'I think it would be easier for you to do this if you just find reasons to hate him, this many be hard because he seems like a really nice guy but i have always admired you for your pessimism,' Tiana said. 

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