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Hehe~ been a while since I've been in this fandom.....

Misaki POV

Urrggg...... This stinks..... Why is this happening to me?....

I grimaced as I felt another wave of vomit come out of my throat and fall into the toilet.

It's been three weeks now....

I felt horrible, the reason? well every day for the last three weeks I've had to run straight to the toilet as soon as I woke up. It wasn't fair in my opinion.

"Misaki you okay in there?"

My silver haired lover called from outside of the bathroom.

Damn...... He's awake....

"Y-yeah, I'll be out in a second!"

I called as I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet, I then opened the bathroom door only to be greeted by my over protective lover.

Obvious concern was evident within lavender orbs as they watched me exit the bathroom, I wondered if he knew how long this had been going on.

I hope this is the first time he's noticed..... He always over reacts so I don't want to bother him....

"Misaki have you been feeling well?"

My silver haired lover questioned as he gently grasped my arm and pulled me into his caring embrace, I felt my face heat up and pushed Usagi away from me, well tried to.

Why does he have to be so touchy with me..... I'm a grown man, I'm no longer a helpless child

"Yeah perfectly fine"

I laughed as I flashed my lover a smile, I've grown accustomed to faking smiles, especially after the death of my parents.

"Okay...... But if you're still feeling bad by tomorrow, I'm taking you straight to the hospital"

I let a sigh escape from my mouth at how unreasonable Usagi could be at times.

"There's no need to worry Usagi, I'm fine, why don't you go and finish your manuscripts instead of continuing to pester me?"

I replied as I began to push my silver haired lover towards his study.

I know you're only worried because you care Usagi, but that's why this is my problem. I can't be always causing you worry Usagi....

Usagi POV

I didn't understand why Misaki wasn't telling me anything, I know my Misaki enough to know when something isn't right with him.

None the less, I allowed my stubborn Misaki to push me into my study, he was right about me needing to finish my manuscript. Yet I'd rather fill up on my Misaki instead.

Since my adorable Misaki says he's fine, then if so, then I guess I can have my fill of him.

I swiftly turned around and grabbed my unsuspecting Misaki and pushed him against the wall, not enough to harm him of course.

"Hey what are you- ahhhh!"

I smirked when my Misaki moaned when I rubbed my knee against his member teasingly.

Tsk tsk Misaki, we've been through this countless times

"I don't want to work, if rather have my fill of you"

I whispered gently into my love's ears, the shiver of my Misaki's reaction to my voice greatly satisfied me.

My Misaki...... So adorable....

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