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I no own junjou romantica

Misaki POV

I can't believe that he's actually forcing me to go to the hospital....

I gazed out the window, the motion of the car was starting to make me feel a little nauseous like before.

I can't vomit in his car..... I'd never be able to pay him back for the cleaning bill.....

I swallowed back my nausea and decided to focus my attention onto the street, hoping to distract myself from the urge to vomit. I eventually ended up leaning my head against the window with my else closed, listening to the humming of the car.

Eventually I felt the car come to a stop, thankfully my nausea had completely subsided by then.

"Come on Misaki, we're getting out of the car"

My silver haired lover said as he exited the car, I did the same only to be dragged into the overly white building once I exited the flashy red car.

"Let go Usagi, I'm not going to escape"

Lavender orbs gazed down at me and I noticed that Usagi hesitated for a split second before releasing my hand from his grip.

It seems as if he seriously thought that I was going to run away..... Only children do that though....

Usagi POV

I felt a little silly for thinking that my Misaki was going to foolishly run away from me.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?"

A raven haired doctor with navy blue eyes asked, I quickly remembered him being that boy who had dragged Hiroki into his house that one time.

"My lover has been acting strange, do you think that you could give him a check up?"

I asked as I motioned towards my sweet Misaki, who by the way was blushing madly due to the fact that I had called him my lover.

So cute..... Don't worry Misaki he's gay, but thankfully hooked up with your, I quote 'demonic' teacher so there's no need to feel shy.

The raven haired doctor smiled kindly at my Misaki.

Oi you have that hard head of a lover; Hiroki! Don't get any ideas! He's MINE!

"Sure, I'll take a look at you, I'm doctor Kusama by the way, just follow me"

Doctor Kusama replied as he lead me and my Misaki to room 69, I raised a brow jealous of the number.

Me and Misaki still haven't done that technique yet..... It's mocking me....

"Okay um....."

"Misaki Takahashi and I'm Usami Akihiko"

I replied, realizing that the doctor didn't know what to call is.

"Okay Takahashi, what seems to be the problem with you?"

Emeralds narrowed slightly before my sweet Misaki let out a sigh.

"I've been feeling nauseous lately every moment when I wake up....."

I noticed the raven raise a curious brow.

"Anything else going on?"

The doctor questioned, emeralds flickered towards me for a quick second.

"Yeah..... My stomach area has been hurting and I've been feeling low on energy lately as well....."

Wait! This is the first time I've heard of this!

Misaki POV

I could tell that Usagi wasn't too pleased with me, for I hadn't told him everything from the start.

"I see..... That's actually quite strange..... Have you eaten anything that could have made you have an upset stomach?...."

I had to think for a few moments before I shook my head.

"No I've only eaten food that I usually eat"

"And a pickle and chip sandwich"

My silver haired lover added, causing the doctor's navy blue orbs to widen in surprise.

"I..... See...... Would you mind if I did a few tests on you?"

Why's he acting all flustered all of a sudden? Does he have an idea as to what might be wrong with me?

"Sure if it'll allow me to go home sooner"

"Okay can you lay down on this bed on your back"

I nodded and did as I was asked, the doctor then looked towards Usagi.

"I'm going to prod his stomach to see if I could find anything"

Usagi POV

I nodded to give the doctor permission, I guessed that he was a little wary because of how I announced our relationship.

He's a smart doctor, I think I'm glad that he's my Misaki's doctor, he knows his boundaries!

I watched as doctor Kusama life's up my Misaki's shirt just enough to expose his stomach before he began to prod my Misaki's stomach with his hands. I carefully watched, just in case he decided that he thought that my Misaki was adorable, I wouldn't blame him but he is mine and mine only.

My Misaki suddenly yelped and kicked the doctor in the gut when he prodded the lower part of his stomach.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry...... I didn't mean to it just..... Happened!"

My Misaki called as he quickly sat up and hopped off the bed to check to see if the doctor was alright.

He didn't do anything bad to my Misaki..... I wonder why he reacted like that....

"That's fine..... Could you please lay back down on the bed, I'd like to give you an ultrasound to check on something...."

I watched as my Misaki did just that while the raven haired doctor grabbed a machine and pulled it over towards my Misaki.

"I'm going to place a gel on your stomach, its quite cold so I'm warning you"

I watched as my poor Misaki flinched slightly from the coolness of the gel as the doctor continued to spread it so that his whole stomach was covered with it.

He then turned on the machine after placing it above his stomach, I looked over towards the screen and felt concerned when I saw a small blob moving ever so slightly.

Oh god..... Please don't let that be a fatal tumour...... Please don't..... I don't want to lose my Misaki.....

"Ah-hem...... I seem to know what's wrong with Takahashi...."

Doctor Kusama coughed awkwardly, which slight confused me.

"What's wrong then? Is he going to be okay"

The reven haired doctor shrugged.

"I've never seen something like this happen before...... even I can't believe it..... But, congratulations Takahashi, you are, pregnant"

Me: cliff hanger.... I think?.....

Misaki: *faints*

Usagi: *shellshocked*

Me: uh guys?....

Misaki: ......

Usagi: .......

Me: well.... This is awkward..... So I guess it's time to leave? ...... Bye hope you enjoyed le chappy~

Miracle or curse? - Junjou RomanticaWhere stories live. Discover now