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I have so many plans..... Hehe...... *evil smirk*

Misaki POV

Who does he think he is? Always spouting such embarrassing things...

I felt my face heat up once again as I hid it in his chest, for it was too embarrassing to show my face.

"And I.... Love you to..... So please stop limiting who I can hang out with..."

So embarrassing!!!!

My voice was muffled when I spoke, at first I wondered if he had actually heard me, however by the way my silver haired lover continued to hug me, I could tell that he had heard me.



"But Usagi-"

"No..... I want to keep you by my side.... You're too trusting and it worries me...."

My silver haired lover whispered softly, I felt a little sad at his words however.

So because of this I keep causing him to worry about me.....

"Fine I'll stay home today...."

I sighed, giving up on hanging out with my sempai for I hated causing trouble for Usagi, even though I've done it so many times in the past already.

"Thank you Misaki...."

Usagi whispered softly, I felt his hand begin to make it's way under my shirt, I shivered slightly at his cool touch.

Usagi POV

I thought that the way my Misaki trembled and shivered at my touch was just adorable.

A soft moan escaped from my love as my finger traced around his soft bud, I chuckled at this and decided to play with it, earning even more sweet moans from the younger.

He's just so adorable.... So precious to me.....

"Usagi please let me go....."

My Misaki breathed, however the lust that glazed my Misaki's vibrant emerald eyes said otherwise.

You're such a tsundre....... But that's what makes you special....

"Misaki give up, you can't fool me, especially when your body seems to really want me"

I replied smoothly as I lifted my Misaki's chin so that I could gaze into his vibrant emeralds, I smirked before connecting my lips to my sweet Misaki's lips. He tried to push me off but I ignored him and instead nipped on his lip, just hard enough to make my love gasp. I then quickly took the opportunity to slip my tongue inside of his mouth.

It was sweet, I usually don't like sweet things, however the sweetness of my Misaki will always be the exception, I moved my tongue around in his mouth, running it slowly along the top of it until I felt my love moan into our kiss.


I glared towards the annoying person who barged into my house and interrupted me and Misaki's alone time.

Sometimes I wonder if Isaka does things like this on purpose.....

Misaki POV

I've been saved!

I quickly escaped from my silver haired lover's grasp and ran upstairs swiftly before Usagi could recapture me again.

It wasn't that I didn't like Usagi, the actual reality was the exact opposite, and I had accepted this fact a little while ago. However, I just wasn't in the mood to play around with the sex addict author, I didn't know why, but it just felt odd the last two weeks for some reason.

Ah maybe I should re-clean Usagi's study..... It's been a few days since the last time so it's probably a safely hazard by now....

Quietly, I snuck past Isaka and Usagi, it sounded as if they were arguing about a book signing in Osaka.

Thankfully I didn't get noticed and dragged into their argument....

When I opened the door to the study, I was greeted with the sight of books thrown everywhere, the same was for papers, most likely ones with importance.

I still find it hard to believe that Usagi can trash the room so much just from studying for is books.... though I guess I'm used to it by now.....

I began to sort through the many papers first, then after they were fixed, I began to restock the bookshelf with all of the books that had been cast from it onto the floor.

By the time I finished cleaning the disaster zone known as Usagi's study, I was starting to feel a little peckish so I went towards the kitchen.

I wonder what I should eat..... I'm sort of craving a pickle and chip sandwich..... but that's just wrong though...... Well I guess it doesn't matter if I eat it anyway...

I grabbed pickles from the fridge, bread from the bread box and chips from one of the kitchen cabinets and placed all three ingredients onto the counter to prepare my meal.

I began to slice the pickles before placing them on the bread, I then put a handful of chips in before putting the top piece of bread onto the sandwich.

"What are you doing?...."

I jumped at the sound of Usagi's voice and looked behind me to see my silver haired lover staring skeptically towards the sandwich.

"Making a sandwich"

I sighed as I took a bite, it surprisingly didn't taste too bad at all, it actually tasted quite good.

"Misaki I'm no cook..... But even I know that something is wrong with that sandwich....."

As if..... Then why didn't you see something wrong with that ultra supreme fluffy omelette you cooked me that one time?!...

I grimaced at the memory of being stuck in the washroom the whole day because Usagi had cooked me a meal.

"It's fine, I'm eating it so there's nothing wrong with it"

I replied as I took another bite of the sandwich, however my answer didn't seem to please him for he continued to stare at the sandwich skeptically.

"You sure you're okay?....."

I nodded, not wanting to bother my silver haired lover by making him worry.

Usagi POV

I can't believe that Misaki is actually eating that.... He's such an amazing cook, he could have made himself something much better than that.....

"...... If you start feeling unwell again don't hesitate to tell me...."

Emeralds flashed defiantly at me before my Misaki finished his sandwich and stormed away, his energy reassured me.

At least he has the energy to defy me, that's a good sign... Though I'm still worried about him....

Me: hmm another chappy....

Misaki: nobody is reading

Me: who cares~ I'm having fun~ plus I have nothing better to do than watch anime and write~

Misaki: so you're going to hurt me eventually....

Me: oh yeah! This here girl is a hard core angst fan~

Misaki: O.O *gulp*

Me: *evil laugh* I really do have so many plans for this story.....

Misaki: someone.... Save me....

Me: hehe anyway hope ya people enjoyed le chapter~

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