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I don't own junjou romantica~

If I did...... It would have quicker updates >~< and more angst lol...

Misaki POV

Usagi really isn't one to judge on what I eat, it's much better than nothing after all

I sighed as I went towards my room and flopped onto my bed, not the bed that me and Usagi share together, but the one that is mine, unfortunately one that is also rarely used due to my lover's inhuman sex drive.

After eating something I was actually starting to feel a little nauseous, I closed my eyes and rubbed my stomach, it felt a little odd.

Maybe I'm starting to get some kind of stomach flu..... Thankfully it's summer so I'll be fine even if it is one...

Maybe if I have a little nap I'll start to feel better......

I allowed myself to drift off into an endless sleep.

Usagi POV

I looked into my and my Misaki's room and sadly my love wasn't there, I then peeked into my Misaki's old room and found him.

Why is he in that room? he should know by now that he belongs in my room, in my bed, with me and ONLY me....

I went to go wake up my Misaki but stopped, he looked oddly tired and I also remembered that my Misaki was a little ill.

Maybe I should let him sleep, its not like he naps all the time... He must really not be feeling well.

Since I couldn't make love with my Misaki, a very unfortunate turn of events I might say, I decided to actually do my work and finish my manuscript. It would have been like hitting two birds with one stone, my Misaki gets to rest, while I get spared from a scolding from Aikawa my demonic editor.

If I finish early, I'll then have more time to play with Misaki....

I headed to my study to find it spotless.

Misaki is my little cleaning fairy, though I'm sure he'd yell at me if I thanked him for being a cleaning fairy... He's just too adorable because he's shy.

I sat down at my desk and began writing the next manuscript for my novel. I hadn't noticed that hours had passed until I heard my stomach growl and felt the pangs of slight hunger.

Strange........ By now Misaki would have started to cook something..... But I can't smell the slightest hint of food.....

I closed my laptop and exited my study room before heading towards the kitchen, and sure enough there was no Misaki behind the stove, instead the kitchen looked untouched.

That's strange......

I looked at the clock to see that it was already 9am, of the next day.

I can't believe I didn't notice the time fly...... Wait, why didn't Misaki cook supper or even today's breakfast yet?....

Concerned, I hurried up out of the kitchen and up the stairs and went into my Misaki's old room, where I found my Misaki sleeping soundly on the bed.

He's never slept for so long....

"Hey Misaki"

I carefully nudged my sweet Misaki in the hopes of waking him up, sure enough, sleep filled emeralds opened.

"Oh sorry for taking a nap, what time is it?"

Misaki yawned as he sat up on the bed and stretched his arms.

"It's nine-"

"Ah, I've got to go cook supper!"

I stopped my sweet Misaki from scurrying out of the bed.

"In the morning"

I finished.

Misaki POV

It's nine in the morning?!? Seriously?!? I can't believe that I accidentally slept that long.... Wait what about last nights supper?

I was about to apologize, however I suddenly felt a fierce wave of nausea, I covered my mouth and quickly ran past Usagi towards the bathroom for I doubted saying sorry then puking on him would be a very appropriate apology.

I made it to the toilet just in time to empty my stomach into it, I heard footsteps behind me so I guessed that Usagi had followed me.

Oh great, now I've worried him again...

"Misaki, I'm taking you to the hospital when you're finished...."

My silver haired lover said as he began to rub my back up and down.

I wiped my mouth and shook my head, still feeling a little weak from puking.

It takes a lot of energy......

"No I'm fine Usagi really, it's probably a common bug, I'll be better in no time"

I sighed, I didn't want to waste Usagi's time by having him take me to the hospital, plus I've been sick plenty of times when I was little so I didn't think too big of puking.

"I'm still taking you Misaki"

"But what about your manuscript? You've got to finish it before Aikawa yells at you, again"

I argued, for I doubted that he actually listened to me.

"I finished it just like you told me to"

So now he decides to listen..... Why couldn't he have learned how to listen sooner?!?!

"Why'd you listen to me for once? It's not like you do so often"

"You were asleep so I couldn't make sweet and sticky love to all night so I decided to do my work so that I could do so today, though that's after the hospital visit of course"

I gawked at the silver haired person in front of me, I couldn't believe that he had said all of that with a completely straight face.

How the hell does this guy not get embarrassed by the things that he says.....

My thoughts were cut short by another wave of nausea that overtook me before I once again began to vomit into the toilet bowl.

"That settles it Misaki you are going to the hospital, whether you like it or not"

I grimaced for I could tell by the tone of voice that he used that he wasn't going to change his mind anytime soon.

Why can't you be more motivated about your writing instead.....

Usagi POV

I waited until the waves of nausea stopped hitting my poor Misaki, which took about half an hour, before gently, yet maybe a little forcefully dragged my lover out of our apartment and into my red foreign sports car.

I was taking my Misaki to the hospital no matter what.

Seeing him sick hurts..... I want him to be the happy and healthy Misaki that I love...

Me: wonder what the trip to the hospital will do

Usagi: it'll make my Misaki all healthy

Misaki: hospitals aren't that convenient Usagi.......

Usagi:....., they will be if I use money!

Misaki: *facepalm*

Me: lol..... You're the one who loves him Misaki

Misaki: sadly.....

Usagi: !!!!!!!!

Misaki: damn...... 0////0

Me: awww anyway hope ya people enjoyed le chappy~

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