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Chapter 9 is here~ I don't own junjou Romantica

Warning *cough* Takahiro is dense

Usagi POV

I went to go take my Misaki back from Takahiro, but the look my Misaki gave me as he was pulled away made me pause. It seemed as if his emerald gaze was giving me a silent message, one that made me happy yet hurt at the same time. He mouthed the words 'I'll be back before turning away to follow his brother.

Misaki....... I'll trust you...... I'll keep you to your promise.....So you sure as hell better return to me....

I need you in my life after all.

I took one last glance at my Misaki before reluctantly turning away and headed back into me and my Misaki's apartment.

I can't forcefully drag my Misaki back.... It would only cause more problems with Takahiro....

I've got to trust Misaki to settle things properly with his brother....

I clenched my hands into fists so hard that my knuckles were turning white.

If he fails... I'll take back my Misaki with force if I have to..... I'm more than capable enough to gather enough people to take back my Misaki.

Misaki POV

I was silent as I leaned my head against the window of my brother's car, watching the scenery change as we drove by.

I've got to prove to Nii-San that I'm perfectly happy being with Usagi.

My gaze flickered towards my brother's face as I tried to read it. His lips were pulled into a thin line, his eyes focused on the road.

I can't read his expression..... But it's probably safe to say that he's upset.... I'm sorry for causing you trouble Nii-San.....

When we arrived at my brother's house, I was swiftly pulled out of the car and into his house, where I stood awkwardly in the doorway.

"Ehh Misaki why are you standing there? Come in?"

Nii-San smiled as he pulled me into the living room.

It makes me feel a little uneasy to see Nii-San smiling like that after everything that happened......

"Ah sorry for intruding....."

I whispered as I sat on the couch, feeling rather awkward in my brother's presence.

"Would you like a snack?"

I shook my head at my brother's request.

"No Nii-San I need-"


I frowned at how my brother was dodging my attempts to speak.


"Ah my wife won't be here for a while-"


Takahiro POV

I blinked in surprise at the sudden raise of voice from my little brother.

Ah Misaki.....

I noticed how my little brother blushed in embarrassment when he realized that he had yelled.

"Yes Misaki?....."

I questioned, a little worried that he'd try to talk to me about his apparent 'lover' who's most likely using my innocent little brother.

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