The Awaited Moment

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Okay so it's been like years since I've written anything, and even longer than that since I've written in this story so my writing style is different, please tell me if it's better or worse~

Oh and this is just a big leap to the end

Over 1K words

Misaki POV

W-why did it have to come to this....

Tears prickled at the corners of my eyes as I attempted to shift into a more comfortable position. The sound of metal links clattering together resonated against the stone walls of the room.

I thought he was trustworthy....Usagi was right... I should have never trusted him...

Pain shot up my arms at the movement, dried blood clinging to the restraints instead of my skin, reopening wounds from previous struggles. The restraints forced me to stand against the wall with my arms above my head. Another set fastened my ankles to the wall.

I wanna g-go home.... Usagi.... Save me.... our baby... three more months... I can't lose them, I don't even know their gender...

I wanted it to be a surprise... I only had the doctors tell me if our baby was healthy... But that means, I may never know their gender...

"Mi-sa-kiiiii~"  I couldn't stop myself from flinching at the playful tone my name was spoken in by the figure who entered.


"P-please.... haven't you had your f-fun..." I whispered, parched from who knows how many days I'd been kept her. It's hard to keep track of time without sunlight. "My baby needs to be cared for..." I pleaded.

A wry smile played across the raven's lips, his head tilted playfully to the left. "But Misaki... I've finally gotten you all for myself" A soft chuckle escaped from Ijuuin as he causally stepped forwards until his lips were mere inches from my own. I pursed my lips and turned my head away, I'd had enough of being kissed over my time of confinement.

It's different than with Usagi.... I feel disgusting every time Ijuuin touches me...

Slender fingers fiercely gripped my chin, yanking it forwards, a devious smirk crossed Ijuuin's features before he met my lips with his own. Nausea overcame me as I tried to turn away, but Ijuuin's grip was too strong.

I'm so sorry... Please don't hate me Usagi... I-I don't want this!.... I only want you...

"Misaki... you know I love you right?" Ijuuin cooed into my ear, giving it a soft nuzzle, sending a shiver of disgust throughout my body. "This is all your fault" He continued, voice soft with affection as he littered my neck with soft kisses.

Ijuuin POV

My dear sweet Misaki... you're so adorable and cute.... I want you to be mine and only mine... you should only belong to me...

I paused in kissing my sweet little Misaki m'a neck in favour of glancing down at his bulging stomach. I ran my fingers over it.

At first I couldn't believe it, MY Misaki pregnant with HIS child.... Misaki is mine! But he really does look pregnant... my poor poor Misaki..... I'll fix that for you.

I pulled out a pocket knife from my pocket and flicked the blade into my sweet Misaki's view. I couldn't hold in the soft chuckle that escaped my lips as his mesmerizing emerald eyes widened in fear.

He's just so beautiful, no matter what expression he makes...

"W-what are y-you planning to do with that?" My Misaki whispered, his voice trembling with obvious fear, I felt my features soften at that, his trembling voice was addicting.

If only his voice trembled softly whenever he says my name...

"Don't worry Misaki, I have no plans of killing you" I replied, bringing up my free hand to softly caress his face. "No, it would be such a waste to kill you... I love you too much to do that..." I continued softly, taking pleasure in the small shiver I gave to my Misaki.

So precious...

"I-if y-you really love me..." My Misaki paused, emeralds flittering towards the floor before meeting my gaze. "If you did, you would let me go" my Misaki continued, his voice fading into an almost inaudible whisper.

I clicked my tongue and grazed my Misaki's stomach with the dull side of the blade. "I'm sorry Misaki, but it is exactly because I love you, no, adore you that I have to do this." I knelt down and kissed my Misaki's stomach. "I'll fix this, it's okay for you to have a child my dear, but... it can only be MY child!" A piercing scream escaped from my darling Misaki's lips as I plunged the knife down just below his diaphragm.

I'm so sorry Misaki... but it must be done...

I clenched my eyes closed, blocking out my dear sweet little Misaki's screams and sobs as I pull the knife down his stomach until it reached the bottom.

"N-no!! P-please stop!!" My hand trembled at the anguished cries of my dear sweet Misaki, I let the knife fall down to the floor, slick with blood.

M-my Misaki's blood... I-It's for a good cause....

Misaki POV

It hurts... oh kami-Sama it hurts so baby... MY BABY!!! No.....

I can't speak through the pain, all I can do is gasp and scream as I feel Ijuuin's hands enter the gash, the warmth of the blood makes me feels sick as it cascades down my legs.

He's inside me.... his hands are violating me... please make it stop... Usagi... where are you?.... I need your help...

"Oh found it!" Ijuuin announces, I screamed as hot white agony envelopes me as I feel his hands pull something out of me. My vision blurs for a few moments as I hang there panting. A soft whimper escapes me as my gaze refocuses onto what laid in Ijuuin's hands.

No..... please no.... it's not fair....

"T-Twins....." A series of sobs escaped me as I watched the monster throw both of my unborn children into the hard concrete floor. They didn't cry. My vision was blurring all over again from the tears and blood loss.

I didn't know we were having twins.... me and Usagi's children... dead... they were killed before they were born... I never got to meet our children... Usagi never got to meet them.... Usagi... I'm so sorry....

Me: I started this story just so I could have Ijuuin rip our Misaki's unborn children from his body. The fact that it was twins is a double pain for Misaki

Misaki: Usagi.....

Me: nyahaha~ remember the disclaimer, horror was one of them, just like sadistic writer was another~

Misaki: it's not fair.....

Me: hehe I warned you guys that it was better off not knowing the end~
This is completely done NO CONTINUATION

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