Chapter 8 i think

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Jessica's POV

"What's going on here?" Zayn asked. Liam quickly stood up, letting my head fall on the couch. "OW." I rubbed the back of my head. "Nothing is going on. We're not even here. You're dreaming..." Liam said. "I'm not that stupid Liam. Now start explaining. The others are out front fighting about who gets the first bag of chips," Zayn told him. I watched worriedly as Liam told him everything from Danielle to the kiss to watching the movie. "Please don't tell Niall and Harry," I said. Zayn looked at me with disgust. "Why shouldn't I? You're not with either of them. It's not my fault you're running around with their best friends. Who's next? You going to break up Elounore? Are you going to seduce me?" I wanted to cry. It WAS all my fault. My dad was right. I caused bad luck, my life isn't worth living.

"You probably think you're a princess. Kissing every frog in sight. Well 'Jessi' let me tell you something. This isn't a fairy tale. Wake up and smell the roses, because this is the 20st century," he continued. I did the exact opposite of what he said. I blacked out.


Blood was running down from the corner of my mouth. My mother held me close. "It's going to be alright Jessica," she whispered. A black silhouette of my father appeared in front of us. "You're next woman," he growled. He looked at me with pure hatred. "You worthless piece of-" I covered my ears to block out the sound of his insults. His hand roughly slapped my already bruised cheek. "LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SPEAK!" I let out a soft cry of pain. He took my chin in his hand. "So fragile. So WEAK." He pushed me down onto the wall and made me witness everything he was doing to my mother.

End Flashback

I woke up in I wasn't very sure. There were 2 guys in the front and one...holding my hand? I did what my instincts told me to do "RAPIST!" I yelled. I tried to get out of the car, when a hand grabbed me and a familiar warmth spread through me. "NIALL?!?!" I shrieked. He looked at me with relief and nodded. Harry turned around from the front seat. "Hey," he smiled, "you're awake." I smiled back and blushed a bit. Niall tensed and his grip tightened. "Zayn and Liam came running out of the flat. They said you were out cold and Harry here got worried. I suggested we drove around with you until you woke up. Still having those black outs aye?" Niall asked as he rubbed me shoulder. I nodded and gave him a small grin. "And the flashbacks?" My grin subsided and I nodded again.

Niall pulled me closer and I cried into his shoulder. Liam popped up from the driver's seat. From the looks of it, neither him or Zayn said anything yet. "Flashbacks?" he asked. I sighed and removed myself from Niall's shoulder. "Well, I guessed I'd have to tell you sooner or later. Basically, it happens when I get REALLY stressed. I faint and have these weird dreams about my...past and then I wake up." Niall laughed at this. "What's so funny?" I asked. "When you explained it all those years ago, you made it seem like an FBI study." "Well I was young back then!" Niall broke out into a toothy grin. "Whatever you say Jessicake." I grimaced at the horrible nickname he once gave me. "Oh you did NOT just call me that." "Oh, but I did Jessicake." "You wanna pull that card? Well 2 can play at that game NILLYBEAR ." I saw a shocked expression on Niall's face, then he started laughing and laughing and laughing. I eventually joined in. It felt like old times, laughing this hard, his arm around my shoulder. I remembered that Liam and Harry were in the car, and they were silent.

I tried to break the tension with conversation. "So how did you guys form your band?" Liam replied right away. "We met through X Factor. I auditioned 2 years before, but I only made it to the judges house. Fast forward 2 years and I came back. Each of us sang a different song and auditioned separately, but we got put together by Simon Cowell. We got 3rd place, but look at us now. You know how X Factor changes lives. You watch it right? I just assumed since you watch Say Yes to the Dress." "LIAM!" I whined. Niall laughed again "You still watch that stuff?" "Yes," I said, "it clears my head." Harry turned around again. "Watching women try on dresses only to have their dreams crushed by their friends and family clears your head?" I laughed at the way he put it. "Believe it or not, yes. And how would you know what that show is about?" Harry turned a shade of bright red and sank in his chair. Everyone else bursted out laughing.

The giggles subsided when we heard music. "Ain't nobody got time fo dat! Ain't nobody got time fo dat! Ain't nobody got time, ain't nobody got time, ain't nobody got time fo dat!" We laughed again as Liam embarrassedly picked up his phone and put it on speaker. "Hello?" He said. "Hey Liam! It's Louis!! What's up?" "Did you change my ringtone?" "As a matter of fact mate, I did. I called to tell you that Simon wants us to bring Jessica to the studio to record some stuff." I squealed hearing the news. "Tell Simon we'll be there in a bit. Bye Lou." "Bye guys!" Liam hung up. "You seem excited," Harry pointed out. How could I not be? Liam drove all the way to the studio, and I was bouncing in my seat. I was more hyper than Pinkie Pie on Halloween. I walked into the studio, waiting to greet any opportunity that jumped at me.


Hello my music notes!!! I typed this on my dads phone and I have a feeling auto correct messed some stuff up. Oh well. Did you know that peeps are marshmellows? Thank you nerd102 :D Anyways, I'll try to fix my schedule and update ASAP  

*Keep the Melody*

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