Chapter 9

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Jessica’s POV

“Flying with your love, shining with your love, riding with your love.

I feel like I'm on top of the world with your love.

One hit with your love. Can't quit with your love. So sick but so what?

I feel like I'm on top of the world with your love.”

“ALRIGHT! That’s a wrap! Great job Jessica.” The man said. I smiled, gave Mike a hug, and then walked out of the booth to go talk to Simon. “Why hello Jessica, how did your first recording go?” He asked. “Perfect!” I exclaimed. I had the biggest smile on my face. I actually recorded one of my songs. This WASN’T just a dream. “Are you excited?” He questioned. “I’m stoked! I get to go on tour with ONE DIRECTION!” I get to go on tour with Niall! “Speaking of One Direction, Jessica, you wouldn’t happen to be… with one of them?” My eyes widened. 3 names popped into my head. Say Liam! Say Harry! Say Niall! “Well?” Simon looked at me suspiciously. Liam! Harry! Niall! “Is it true?” LIAM! HARRY! NIALL!  Another blackout.


                Come on Jessi! Live a little!” He said. “But…what if I drown? What if a shark comes? WHAT IF THERES A TSUNAMI!” I told him. “Jessi, there is no way that would EVER happen. YOU WILL LEARN TO SWIM.” He jumped out of the water, grabbed me, and then threw me in. I screamed so loudly, the dog from 5 houses down started barking. I was paddling for my life. “HELP!” I yelled. “NIALL!” He swam up to me. “Jessica…you can stand up,” he said. “Oh, yeah. I knew that.” I placed my feet on the sand underneath me. “All you have to do is move your arms and legs, like this.” He showed me how to kick and paddle.  But when I tried it, it looked as if I was having a seizure. “No, like this.” He came up behind me and showed me the correct way to move my arms. I was in heaven.

End Flashback

                I woke up on a couch in Simon’s office. He was on the phone walking around the room. “No Niall, you don’t understand. She just fainted. Oh, wait, she’s awake.” I heard someone from the other line say “I told you so.” Then Simon hung up. “Are you alright Jessica?” “Yeah,” I said, “I black out when I’m stressed. That’s all.” Simon relaxed a bit. “So I asked the boys the same question I asked you and I can tell that Harry, Liam, and Niall are quite fond of you.” I perked up a bit, but I didn’t want to seem too eager. “Really?” I asked. “Yes, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say all three of them are in love with you.”

Hello my music notes! I know, short chapter. 2 part chapter 10 coming soon though! So I wanna know, do you guys want short chapters every 1-3 days, or long ones every 1-1 ½ weeks? Also, leave suggestions please! Oh and one more thing. Tomorrow is the last day of the contest, submit answers!!

*Keep the Melody*      

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