Chapter 7

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Jessica’s POV (blerf!!)

                I pulled away from Harry. A feeling of warmth and electricity spread though me. It wasn’t as nearly as strong as the one Niall gave me, but it was enough for me to see that I might be falling for the curly haired boy. I barely knew him. He seemed charming, adorable, and sweet. The only problem is that he seems very… suave, like he gets every girl he wants. “Jessica,” he said in a daze, “what’s up with you and Niall?” I hesitated. What was going on? The constant touching, the long stares, that time we almost kissed in front of his band mates. I felt sick to my stomach. I teared up again. “I don’t know.”  He tried to pull me in for another hug, but I wouldn’t let him. “I’m sorry Harry, I….I can’t.” Harry nodded. “I’ll give you some time.” He walked out the front door leaving me behind with only my thoughts to keep me company.

                Just as the door closed, Niall texted me. Hey Jessi :D @ the store w/ the boys. Be back later. How Harry treating ya? Haha call me ASAP! I have a surprise! XX I ignored the little kisses at the end, sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I started to watch one of my dirty little secret shows, Say Yes to the Dress! For whatever reason, watching women complain about clothes clears my head. This woman, Caitlyn, walked out of the dressing room in one of the most gorgeous dresses I’ve ever seen. “I don’t like it.” The mom said. I admit I threw the remote at the TV and may have created a small crack. Oh well. My phone beeped. Another text from Niall: Are you ignoring me? Call me plz? :(. I heard a knock on the door. “Anyone home?” the voice was cracking as if it was being played on a broken record. I got up and looked through the little peep-hole. Liam was standing right there, his eyes were puffy and red and he looked like a mess. I opened the door right away.  “Liam!! Are you ok?” I was worried, over the past few days; Liam had become a big brother to me. Just seeing him like this made my brain explode. “Danielle,” He started sobbing, “She…broke up with me.” That witch! No, I can’t say that, Danielle is awesome; she must’ve had a good reason. “What happened?” I asked

Liam’s POV

“I was at Dani’s house…”


                “Hey babe.” She said as she opened the door. I smiled at my beautiful girlfriend and gave her a kiss, but something felt…off. I entered her house and she put on the TV. We cuddled a bit, and then started talking. It wasn’t a deep conversation, just small things like her recitals and gigs, my most recent concert and how annoying Louis and Zayn were that day. She started to ask about my tour. “Are you excited?” My eyes lit up a bit. “Yeah! We have this whole thing with strobe lights and beach balls. Plus, our opening acts are amazing!!” She gave me a look that told me I should explain who they were. “Big Time Rush is opening for us first. Kendall wanted to spend time with his girlfriend Elma (A/N You’re welcome elm). Then, Jessica is next! I can’t wait for that. Don’t get me wrong, I love BTR, but Jessica…” I saw Danielle get a bit mad at the mention of Jessica. She gave a bit of a scowl. “Describe Jessica.” I had to think for a bit. “She’s beautiful, funny, talented, athletic, creative…” (A/N just like ME! *Hair flip* *hair catches on fire* DANG IT NOT AGAIN!!) I went on and on about just how amazing Jessica is. “Alright STOP!” Dani yelled. “What?” I asked. “I know you’re in love with Jessica, and if you wanna be with HER then fine! Go with her, because you’re no longer with me!” She got up and walked out the door. I found that weird since it was her house. What she said made me think. “I know you’re in love with Jessica!” How did I feel about Jessica?  She’s like a little sister but… I started tearing up. Danielle came through the door. “This is my house…” I got up and walked to the flat I shared with the boys. 

                Just recalling the memory made me cry. Jessica looked at me with…empathy. “I know how you feel.” She whispered. “NO YOU DON’T! YOU HAVE NEVER FELT THIS CONFUSION, HAVING TO CHOOSE BETWEEN 2 PEOPLE YOU LOVE!” I yelled. Jessica was sobbing. “I know how it feels. I know exactly how it feels.” I was enraged. She had no clue. “YOU DON’T!! THE ONLY WAY YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND IS IF YOU LOVED ME BACK!” I smashed my lips onto hers. I didn’t  mean to, I know I shouldn’t have done it. She pulled away. She looked scared. I leaned in again. “Please,” I whispered, “I need this.” I closed the gap between us.

Jessica’s POV

                Never in a million years would I have guessed that my first kiss would be with Liam James Payne of One Direction. You know what? Never in a million year would I have thought I would meet Liam. He pulled away this time and sighed. “Can we watch TV? It usually clears my head.” He asked. I nodded and turned on the TV. He gave me a puzzled look. I looked at the crack I formed. “Say Yes To The Dress.” I said. He nodded and turned to channel 302. Toy Story was on. Liam squealed like a little girl and I laid down on him. I was tired and I thought he wouldn’t mind considering we just kissed like 20 seconds ago.

                It was sweet; my head on his lap as he stroked my hair. How could something so wrong feel so…right? He hummed along to the tune that was familiar to the both of us. You’ve got a friend in me. His eyes still glassy and red. We both knew what we were doing, and we both knew we shouldn’t be doing it. But we connected in a way I’ve never felt before. We felt the same way. Denied, rejected, unloved, Worthless. I heard my phone ring. I didn’t want this moment to end, so I let it go to voice mail. “Jessica, call me…please.” We both ignored it. We continued watching the movie as I heard the door knob turn…

                Zayn Malik walked in and witnessed everything. 


Yay!!!!!!! im so happy i updated. sorry i took so long, ive been busy. ill try to update ASAP next time! *Keep The Melody*

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