Part 5

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It took me a moment to respond to Tobin's forwardness.  But nevertheless I did, kissing Tobin felt right. "Tobin," I whispered quietly "what are you doing?"

She chuckled softly and pulled me back into a kiss. "What I should have done the very first day I came back." She explained going back to kissing my lips.
I pulled back again,"I thought you hated me."
She cupped my face in her hands and looked me in the eyes. "Oh I am extremely pissed at you still, but that doesn't mean I don't love you. Now shut up and kiss me."
"Not here lets go to my house, don't want someone to walk in on us." I said grabbing Tobin's hand to lead in her out of the locker room.
I pulled into my drive way and got out of my car quickly, Tobin following shortly behind. As soon as I closed my door Tobin locked her lips back to mine . Her hands ran down my sides and stopped at my butt. I felt her pick me up a little and my legs immediately wrapped around her waist.
She pulled away and moved her kisses to my neck. "Tobin t-take me to my room p-please." I mumbled as she sucked on my sweet spot. Tobin somehow managed to successfully carry me upstairs without falling.
She gently laid me on the bed and closed the space between us again.
"Remember the last time we were together alone in your room?." She asked chuckling while kissing my jawline.
I didn't answer get question, instead I slowly slipped my hands under her shirt and swept them across her stomach. I started to lift the hem of her shirt off but Tobin stopped me and took it off herself instead.
"Why you gotta ruin the fun?" I teased before connecting our lips again.
Tobin basically ripped my shirt off and threw it across the room. Her hands started to explore my body almost like she was trying to see if it was still the same. She was about to unbutton my pants when the doorbell rang and interrupted out activities.
"They'll go away," I said between kisses but Tobin pulled away biting my bottom lip.
"Go answer it Lex it could be important," she chuckled. "I'll still be here when they're gone no worries" she said gently moving off of me. I threw a shirt on and ran downstairs. When I opened the door my face fell into a frown.
"Those don't look like date night clothes to me." He joked handing me some red roses.
"Date Night?" I asked totally confused and slightly anxious to get back to my activities with Tobin.
"Yeah we talked about it yesterday at lunch remember? If you don't want to go out that's fine we can just watching movies here." He said stepping inside.

"Can we just reschedule please? Tobin's here and we're catching up on all the things we missed together you know." I said hoping he would buy into it.

"Uh yeah I guess we can," he said scratching the back of his head.

"Thanks Serv I'll see you soon though okay?" I said leading him out the door.

"Do I at least get a kiss goodbye?." He asked and I meant to give him a quick peck but he deepened the kiss into something more.
"Tobin's waiting for me." I said pulling away.

"Sorry I forgot," he said giving me a sheepish smile. "Goodnight Al I love you."

"I know," I said closing the door and leaning my head against it.

"He still doesn't know that you hate roses?" Tobin asked setting the roses back on the counter.
"It never really came up before and I don't want to be mean and say I hate them." I said walking up to Tobin. I put my hands around her neck and gave her a quick peck on the lips. I was going to deepen the kiss but Tobin pulled away.

I noticed she had something in her hand and my heart dropped at the sight of what she was holding. It was a picture of me and Servando kissing in a photo booth.
"You know your room used to be filled with pictures of us." She smiled at the memory. "But now there are only like two." She frowned slightly.

"Tobin," I whispered softly "I love you." I said resting my hands on her waist. "Now take me upstairs where nothing else matters but you and me."

"It's been forever since you and me has happened." She said walking into my room and closing my door. She turned to face me. I closed the space between our lips and tried to pull Tobin on the bed with me, but she pulled back. "Do you love Servando Alex? Can you look me in the eyes and honestly say you don't love Servando."

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