Chapter 7 - Truth or Dare

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     We ran up the stairs and set up our sleeping stuff.
     I had a patchy blanket and an apple shaped pillow. I set my stuff near Pinkie's desk. Across from me, near her bed, was Twilight. She had a sleeping bag with a Marvel comic book pattern and a Yoda pillow. On the right of me was Dashie. A rainbow blanket and a normal pillow. FlutterShy set her green, floral blanket and a pink flower pillow next to me. Rarity had a dark purple sleeping a diamond pattern. Everywhere the diamonds met was an actual diamond. She had a silver pillow that said love and set up between Twilight and Dashie.
     Pinkie sat on the floor next to FlutterShy.
     "So who's going to start?"
     "I'll start!" Pinkie shouted, holding green fabric.
     "Wait! Let's change the game up a bit." Rainbow suggested.
     "Like what?" Rarity asked while applying more lipstick.
"Like, every time you don't answer a question, answer truthfully, or complete a dare-"
"You have to-"
"You have to eat ten cupcakes in under three minutes!"
"You have to answer a Trivial Pursuit question!"
Dashie face palmed.
"For the fifty millionth time Twilight"
"No!" We all somewhat shouted at her unison."
"How about you have to cut three inches off your hair?"
"You'd end up bald Dashie."
"Wait! Not my hair! No! I don't like that idea. Not one bit!"
"Well everyone else does."
"Pinkie, have any scissors?"
"Of course!"
"Let's play." Rainbow said, pretending to cut.
"Rarity!" Pinkie shouted, pointing across from her.
"Is it true that you've been hanging out with the new boy after school?"
"Lie! I see y'all at the café ALL the time!" Twilight shouted.
A smile spread across Dash's face.
"Three inches Rarity."
"But!" She whined.
"No buts."
While she measured and cut Rarity's hair, Twilight went.
"Is it true that you're favorite song is a country song?"
Which was true. Even though Twilight didn't look so sure. I thought I was a pretty honest person though. It was Rarity's turn.
"I dare you to go up to the old castle tomorrow morning. We'll all go. But you have to find a gem. A rare one."
"Dare accepted. FlutterShy."
"Is it true you like Mac?"
"Of course not!"
"She better not!" Pinkie and I said together.
"You're turn AJ"
"I dare you to go out back, on the trampoline, and do three back flips with nothing covering your top."
"Dare accepted."
We all ran out back, Pinkie taking off her top on the way. When we got to the trampoline Pinkie climbed up. Dashie and I sat with our feet in the pool, Rarity and Twilight sat on our old sitting stone, and FlutterShy just stood by.
Pinkie started to jump. Dashie started to laugh and Rarity covered her eyes. I wasn't sure what to do. Twilight looked as if she didn't care and FlutterShy started to blush, then, Pinkie did her back flips. Not messing up once.

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