Chapter 11 - Ideas, Ideas, and more Ideas!

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     Dashie stared to walk around. Even though the castle was falling apart it was still huge. still had doors and windows and banners and statues. Rarity sat where some stone had fallen, Pinkie climbed the crumbling walls, Fluttershy stayed outside, and Twilight started taking notes. I wasn't sure what to do.
      Part of me wanted to keep going. Even further away than the castle was. Part of me wanted to sit. To stay here forever. The rest of me wanted to run home. All the way to the farm. Even though nothing would be the same. Everything would've changed. I was just completely lost.
     I finally decided to walk around some. Clear my mind maybe. As I  walked I pulled out a sketch book and pencil and starting drawing.
     "You taking notes too?" I recognized that voice. It was Dashie. I thought she would've made its further by now.
     "Then what you up to?" She tried looking at my drawing.
     "What's a rare gem I could find around here?"
     "I'm not sure. Maybe a Tanzanite"
     "A what?"
     "Never mind."
     She awkwardly smiled at me and turned back around. She started walking around the outer corridor. Then I saw her turn through a door way to the left. I followed.
     "For what?"
     "I don't know."
     "Is honesty lying for once?"
     "I'd never."
     The girls would always call me honesty when we were younger. I'd never tell a lie. I was the reason we'd get in trouble. The reason Dashie got in trouble for cheating on a test in fourth grade. The reason Rarity's boyfriend broke up with her back in freshman year. I'd always even tell on my self when I'd draw on walls, break a vase, or forget an assignment.
     But now I was lying. The truth was that I was sorry for everything. For the times I got them in trouble, the times I got angry for nothing, the times I'd ignore messages, and now, when I was feeling as if I was pushing my best friend away. But I felt as if I couldn't say any of this to her. As if she wouldn't understand.
     Dashie and I had always been best friends. Longer than I could remember. We'd have picnics, and races, and contests, and she was always there. She was there when I cried. She cried when I left for Manehatten. She wrote to me. Now, she tried to be there when I felt like my world was ending. She tried to know what was going on. But all I did was scream or barely talk at all.
     I was done. Done with this castle. I wanted to go home. I wanted to draw. I wanted to pick apples, I, I had never felt so confused, but I had a picture perfect, crystal clear plan in my mind that I was sure of.

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