Chapter 5

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Jack's POV

I woke up to the sound of old metal pans being crashed against each other.

"Wake up newbies!!! We don't take sleeping in lightly around here!" I opened my eyes to see a large man with a dark blue army suit on. I got out of bed slowly, followed by my roommate.

"You're Jackson Frost. And Hiccup Haddock. You're here for being drunk too much, and you're here for... idiotic reasons. But nonetheless, you'll be put through the same stuff every one of my other newbies has to go through. Including the first day." Well, this already wasn't going well. "Get a shirt on Hiccup! No one wants to see your chest! And as for you Jackson, just put something a little less- schoolboy on. You don't want to be laughed at, do you?" Laughed at?

"I can handle what he wears." It was Hiccup. "And please address him by Jack. We'll be out in a few minutes."

"Fine. I'll go easy on you two. And you will refer to me as Sir, or Sir Bunnymund from now on." He closed the door. I could hear his abnormally large foot start to tap in impatience outside.

"Okay, I'm going to need to keep you safe for the first couple of weeks in this hell hole, so I'm going to give you some of my- smaller clothes. Put it on." He gave me a t-shirt that was stained with beer and blood, a pair of ripped jeans, a choker, and a pair of black sneakers. I put them on. I now smelled like a bar at two o'clock in the morning. Why couldn't I just wear my own clothes?

"Come on, let's move." He flung open the door, only to see Bunnymund with his hat off. He had bunny ears. Massive, hairy, bunny ears!

"How much did you see?" His face started changing too! Soon, he was a full-on rabbit! "Oh s**t. I was a lab experiment, okay? S**t. I'm going to need to go to my dorm for a while. You two just go to the blue table marked 'Bunnymund'. I'll be there. The other's will tell you what's going on. S**t." He took off running. I shrugged. Hiccup started walking toward the mess hall. I followed him, getting ready for the first day.

We arrived in the mess hall. Immediately all the people there turned thief heads to look at us. There was a red table marked North's table, a yellow one marked Sandy's table, and the blue one that we were assigned too. Hiccup grabbed my arm and quickly sat us down at the blue table before any of the other tables had a chance to say anything.

"Newbies, huh?" It was a boy with black hair who was placed across from me. He looked over the two of us and nodded. He even smiled a bit at Hiccup approvingly.

"Name's Snoutlout. This is Fishlegs, my roommate." Fishlegs jumped in his place at the sound of his name. He had been so focused on eating that he hadn't been paying attention!

"Oh yeah! Hi!"

"Don't mind him." He pointed to his right. "That's Astrid." She had braided blonde hair and blue eyes.

"She's hot. Really hot." Hiccup leaned in to whisper in my ear. I cringed. How could he think she was hot?

"And that's Elsa." He motioned to his right to a girl with platinum hair who was staring at her plate. "She doesn't talk much."

"What are you in here for?" Snoutlout asked.

"My dad thought I drank to much." Hiccup responded without even flinching. Snoutlout looked over to me.

"Oh... Umm... I'd rather not say." At first he looked annoyed, but then he nodded a little in understanding.

"Yeah, I get it. If it's that bad, keep it to yourself. Names?"

"Hiccup. That one is Jack." I was starting to appreciate Hiccup's company a little more. I barely had to talk, which was very useful.

"Hiccup?! And I thought my name was weird!" It was Fishlegs who talked now. I could see Hiccup's eyes beginning to flare a little.

"Hey, I didn't get to chose my name! And it's not like you have it any better!" Snoutlout pushed Hiccup away as he reached over the table at Fishlegs.

"Hey, let's not fight. Not on their first day, at least. Later things can get rougher." Fishlegs nodded, looking away.

"What's he in here for? Annoying the s**t out of everyone?" Snoutlout snickered a little at Hiccup's question.

"Nah, he's here for drugs. Well, he used to be here for drugs. He was supposed to leave two years ago, but his parents decided to keep him here at his request. He actually likes this s**ty place."

"Heh. How's it like to live with him?"

"Every day is a struggle Hiccup. Every. Godamn. Day." Hiccup laughed, and Astrid looked at him, then looked back down at something she was etching in the table with a knife.

"Did you see that? She checked me out!" Hiccup was whispering in my ear again.

"Shut up."

"Hey, I'm the boss around here. Don't tell me to shut up Jack." I ignored him, but he knew I got the message.

"No, I'm the boss here." It was a man in red, followed by a short man in yellow and Bunnymund. Training was about to start.

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